
Fake Binding


Hero Member
What's a *Fake Binding* ?
I can't find information which explain *clearly* (with pics :P) what it is without confusion (some people say that when it's not like Gibson LP it's *always* a fake binding... - too brutal, I think -)
Bruno said:
What's a *Fake Binding* ?
I can't find information which explain *clearly* (with pics :P) what it is without confusion (some people say that when it's not like Gibson LP it's *always* a fake binding... - too brutal, I think -)

I think "fake" is an insulting word, but it does convey some meaning.

Sometimes it means "masked binding," which means the edge is taped off and then the colorcoat is applied, then the mask is removed and clear coat goes on.  Many PRS guitars get this treatment.

Sometimes it means "painted binding," which means someone painted the edge of the guitar in a solid color to mimic what plastic or celluloid binding looks like.
I don't know...
Better: I know what is *binding*.
I don't understand which of the different version is called fake and why.
Bruno said:
I don't know...
Better: I know what is *binding*.
I don't understand which of the different version is called fake and why.

"Real" binding is a plastic or celluloid strip glued to the edge of the guitar body.  So anything that copies that visual effect without actually routing a channel and gluing the strip to the guitar is "fake."
Real binding was originally used on acoustic guitars, to seal off the edges of the pieces of wood from absorbing too much moisture, drying out, absorbing, dry, wet, BLOOEY!  :o your acoustic or hollowbody jazz guitar explodes. It was actually  a necessity back in the old days of the early and mid 20th century, because there was no air conditioning, central heat, humidifiers, de-humidifiers and all - houses actually got cold in the winter and hot in the summer - barbaric. When Gibson saw Leo Fender's plain flat board guitars, the brain trust began casting about for a way to make boards more expensive-looking. So they carved the top, so it was arched - just like a real guitar! And they put binding on it - just like a real guitar! And then, they even painted it gold, (gold is very valuable) just so you would get the point - this is not like those cheap, creepy board guitars, this is a REAL guitar! Oh, they were some clever dogies, those boys at Gibson.
Warmoth call it Natural Masked Binding...pics included. Go to right hand side of linked webpage.


I have translated the text of the Natural Masked Binding section into Italian using an online translator, Bruno: (The translator may not be perfect but you will get a better idea I guess)
Mascherato, mock o vincolante è un naturale processo di verniciatura che offre l'aspetto di vincolante, ma è solo la sinistra non verniciata o legno sottostante terso. Il processo è per mascherare i bordi del top in legno, poi il corpo spray o colorante. La maschera viene poi rimosso prima tiri il chiaro stemmi. UN colore scuro per il corpo dà più contrasto. NOTA: disponibile solo per gli organismi con cime laminato.
Thank you.

I had not thought to Natural Masked Binding as a fake binding.
Anyway I Think that NMB is a very good job.
Much more beautiful than simple plastic...
I was wondering how many replies it would take to get to a comment about the art major monstrosity.
Bruno said:
Thank you.

I had not thought to Natural Masked Binding as a fake binding.
Anyway I Think that NMB is a very good job.
Much more beautiful than simple plastic...

Sometimes they'll do a masked binding that includes the top tint rather than a natural mask. For example, my red Strat has that effect...


If you look at the "binding" edges, they're as red as the top. The curly maple still shows through, but it's not "natural" colored; it's red. Imagine that with a midnight blue burst...