
Emerald Green Quilt Top LP

In a weird, sad and true twist of fate I have decided to part ways with this guitar. I was going to sell my beloved Marshall JCM 2000 DSL half stack to fund this. But when the time came to list and entertain the sale my heart was in my stomach! I can't do it when I already have a Warmoth and 5 other guitars. Makes no sense. This guitar is flawless and truly plays unreal. This is not a question of quality whatsoever. If I could keep both...I would do it in a second. If anyone wants in...just looking to recover what I spent...maybe minus shipping. PM or message here. I feel like a tool as it is putting myself in this spot. You can rip on me if you want...I deserve it...but I suppose if you are a guitar player...you've been through this at some point...maybe twice :toothy11:
Wow, that's the saddest thing I've ever heard.  If I could spare any cash at all I would be on that in a second, then I would have 2 kick ass LPs!
Thats cool. Money is an issue for sure right now. Glad to hear you have a LP already. They are awesome. I have a custom shop Gibson and the Warmoths have better tops and sound just the same, imo. I got myself into it knowing I really didn't want to sell my amp. Should have never got it because I'm in pain over it!
The green in that LP is the same color as my dress for my upcoming wedding.  Maybe I can justify buying it so that I can play it at the reception...
hannaugh said:
The green in that LP is the same color as my dress for my upcoming wedding.  Maybe I can justify buying it so that I can play it at the reception...

There, what are you waiting for, it's already rationalised and ready! :D

Joking aside, that's a sad story FWM. I can really understand not wanting to sell your only amp  :sad1:
congrats!! thats things been taunting me on ebay FOREVER. glad to see it go to somebody finally! and a fellow unofficialwarmoth user, too.

i'm really not a fan of quilted maple, but that top is incredible
Max said:
Does that actually surprise anyone?

it should, cause i once swore never to have a green one, but this one had a huge 'orpheo' magnet in its ass. could not NOT buy it! same thing with the parts I saw in the showcase...