It's totally common to have wooden tailpiece on archtops... Why is it that nobody makes wooden stop tailpieces?
I'm carving one out of ebony, and going to put a little inlay on it. It's more for fun than practical reasons.
Anyone ever seen one? Or have thoughts on the idea? Possible pitfalls, etc.
The only downside I can see is that it won't snap and hold onto the posts like most/all metal ones do (they have thin little clips). But this is only a concern if you take the strings completely off. Otherwise the strings hold it on with tension.
I was contemplating putting string ferules in the back to give the strings something solid to rest on, but I don't think that's necessary since ebony is so dense.
I'm carving one out of ebony, and going to put a little inlay on it. It's more for fun than practical reasons.
Anyone ever seen one? Or have thoughts on the idea? Possible pitfalls, etc.
The only downside I can see is that it won't snap and hold onto the posts like most/all metal ones do (they have thin little clips). But this is only a concern if you take the strings completely off. Otherwise the strings hold it on with tension.
I was contemplating putting string ferules in the back to give the strings something solid to rest on, but I don't think that's necessary since ebony is so dense.