lucky13 said:
So I decided to write a compensated nut master who uses and writes articles on a variety of compensated nuts, because I really want to know does nut compensation change the way certain licks sound that were created using a Standard nut.
Here is the letter I wrote and am awaiting his response:
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I also note this because this site is very sterile and controlled by about 5 or 6 of the same multi builders whose opinions are more than watered down in a few area's especially where it relates to old school tone my apologies if I find alot of the chat on here dull and boring sadly....this site has become little more than ego brushing and the forum of the mediocre .....nothing matters just buy expensive woods and kiss my experience....sorry my experience was different but at least I gave the reader a true observation not a preconceived dull and lifeless "oh non of that matters" just buy more wood....
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I came across this thread somewhat by accident, but coincidentally I was thinking about this earlier today so decided to necro post.
While I wouldn't word it the same way, or draw the same conclusions, I share in the above sentiment that the focus on of this board is too narrow and dominated by too few people to make the site as enjoyable as it could be to others. I rarely come here because of it.
If you look you will see that I used to try to participate, asking questions, where I could giving input, but it just got too frustrating and I haven't participated much in years. Other sites are more helpful and more entertaining reading on the topics of guitar building. While this is not a particularly unfriendly site, it's not a particularly friendly site either.
It's a site that has found it's niche, but is the site everything it could, wants to, or was intended to be by it's founder(s) and user base?
I think the 'question' for the interested parties are they happy with what they have, and I think they are since it's a nice little 'club house' for them, or do they want to encourage more participation by more people, within the goals for the site, and how does/is the site working out for Warmoth?