
Dustin Kensrue from Thrice

Thrice are outstanding and have a first-rate sound. I was going to make a thread about it about a week ago but got distracted, in particular the mix on this is very high on my personal favorites lately. Even the bass string rattle sounds good.

Dustin Kensrue is the F***ing MAN! Thrice definitely got me into music, and his solo career has really changed how i look at music i wouldn't typically be into. then there's the fact that he's a warmoth-junkie... :icon_biggrin:


EDIT: here's a good rockin' Thrice song. i'm not a fan of their new "make noise and let it echo" stuff, but their harder stuff is AWESOME. i got to see them at Warped Tour a few years ago and it was one of the best sets i've seen.

jay4321 said:
Thrice are outstanding and have a first-rate sound. I was going to make a thread about it about a week ago but got distracted, in particular the mix on this is very high on my personal favorites lately. Even the bass string rattle sounds good.

I dig it.
Funny that the first place I heard of them was on one of the music channels on Comcast. I got into People in Planes the same way, go figure. Bands like these have seriously altered my musical perspective over the last few years.

jay4321 said:
Thrice are outstanding and have a first-rate sound. I was going to make a thread about it about a week ago but got distracted, in particular the mix on this is very high on my personal favorites lately. Even the bass string rattle sounds good.

His voice kinda reminds me of Danny Elfman...
Awesome, I will repost this on harmony-central effects, lots of Thrice fans (including myself) there. Beggars is ace.
those guitars is really what warmoth is all about, isn't it? to take a vintage guitar-style, and make it your own. I dig 'm! I really do! all they actually needed, is a floyd rose :D  :redflag:
Thrice is one of the greatest bands of the decade.  Most people probably haven't heard much of them because they were quite punk when they came out and are still categorized as such in most places.  But they've really got some great musicians in their group.  I'm super excited that Dustin is a W guy now..  he SHOULD come on the forum.  That would be awesome.
Volitions Advocate said:
That would be awesome.

haha thats what i told max! i've been a huge fan ever since i got my hands on artist in an ambulance. great band. i'm not a huge fan of every direction they've taken since, but they're still one of my all time favorite bands. and bands can never win; don't change and face criticism, or change their sound and face criticism. so i understand why they're going in the direction they are. plus his solo stuff is ridiculously cool. i wish he'd come out with some new material.
I have everything he's done. and most everything thrice has done. been a fan a couple years. its awesome to know someone I listen to plays warmoth!
Hey, more info on Dustin's guitar on the Seymour Duncan site:


hm...before I heard that song that Jay4321 posted, I was thinking Thrice sucked...I dunno, kinda mixed about them now...

I was thinking Thrice was sounding like this:

just general radio pop stuff like Skillet or Chevelle, or something.....hmm.....their newer stuff seems to be better, though...