
DuPont Chromabase?

Mr Real Nice

Senior Member
Ok, I searched the forum and came up with 0 results, which I found surprising.  Has anyone used this before?  It's hard to find much info on it on the internet, but they have it for sale here: http://www.touchupspraypaint.com/products.php?cat=39 which I should be able to use with the Aero-Max clear.  Anyone?
What's so special to justify double the price of reranch or stew mac products?
And if you can't learn about it on the internet, it doesn't exist. A proven fact I read on wikipedia.
This stuff sounds good, you will need an automotive clear coat for it though. I agree that reranch and stu mac do not offer enough colors as far as solids and metalllics go. If you are going for a metalic color then definately use a base and a clear. If you try to get a good gloss with an enamal spray can you will have trouble with the metalic streaking. Another product you can use, and I may try myself since I have some is the testers modelers spray paints and clear coats. I'm pretty sure the clear coat is the same stuff as the deft clear I'm using and you can spray the testors clear over decals as well.
Thought I'd better double check it. The testors spray clears come in a lacquer and an enamel. they also have a dullcoat. This stuff is really easy to work with, but are about $5 a can and would pobably take 3 or 4 cans to do a guitar body.
tfarny said:
What's so special to justify double the price of reranch or stew mac products?

Well, first of all, they offer many more colors.  It seems like a lot of people are satisfied creating something themselves only to make it look like something that's already been done (i.e. factory colors).  While that may work for some people (which is fine), I would prefer to have something unique and more personal.  And if it takes $50-$200 worth of paint and supplies to get that, I don't really think that's a lot of money.  And I'm a poor college student.

Vanhagar, thanks for the tip, but I already checked out the Testors paints.  They didn't have any colors to my liking.  You might want to try Tamiya paints, though. They are model paints also and come in spray lacquer cans with a large variety of colors.  Do you really think 20 bucks is too much money to paint your guitar?

Last thing...concerning the automotive clear coat you mentioned, you should check this out:  http://www.touchupspraypaint.com/pyog_rm_aeromax_urethane_clearcoat.php?PHPSESSID=8f72a4f6233b2e434d58e5f4f422.  It's a urethane clear coat in a spray can that you activate and then must use within 24 hours.  Yes, it's $36.50.  Who cares?  Totally worth it in my opinion for an easy urethane solution.  If there's something better and cheaper, let me know!  :rock-on:

Edit:  Just wanted to add the link to the Chromabase and other products in case anyone else is curious: http://www.touchupspraypaint.com/paint_your_own_guitar.php?PHPSESSID=8f72a4f6233b2e434d58e5f4f422

Ok.  Now  :rock-on:
Oh man! I definately don't think $20 is too much! I have now spent $135 on materials to finish mine. The good thing is I will have enough to do apprx 8 more  : :guitarplayer2:
Back when my dad was doing a lot of auto body work, he used Chromabase products quite a bit.  It obviously was not the spray can variety, but as long as its the same stuff, it should be good.  It went on pretty well, and held up.  It did seem to stink worse than a lot of the other products he used :)  That activated spray can clear is interesting.  I haven't seen anything like that before. 
That spray can + activator clear is an RM product. you can probably get that at Car Quest too. That's there main paint supplier.
There's also expresspaint.com

Factory matched auto paints in rattle can form, with hardeners & clears & such.  This is cool if you're looking to do a direct match of a specific model of paint used on a particular automobile.