
Don't you hate it when no matter how many times you say "STAY",.................

Congrats. I love it when something like that happens and you end up with a new guitar. You've got a blue thing going.....cool :toothy10:
Death by Uberschall said:
I'm going to have Warmoth do a Les Paul for me one day and it will have a Floyd.  :icon_thumright:
no, no, no, LP's and floyds don't mix.....As much as I hate to say, it just ain't right..... :dontknow:
DangerousR6 said:
Death by Uberschall said:
I'm going to have Warmoth do a Les Paul for me one day and it will have a Floyd.  :icon_thumright:
no, no, no, LP's and floyds don't mix.....As much as I hate to say, it just ain't right..... :dontknow:

Death by Uberschall said:
I could rock it.  :headbang1:


I agree with Dangerous, I just hate Floyds on LPs, not that I'm a Floyd fan in general anyways :icon_tongue:.

Team fixed bridge! :occasion14:
Death by Uberschall said:
I could rock it.  :headbang1:

I don't know....I'd have to play it first to see if I liked it...But aesthetically it's just awkward... :dontknow:
I have a friend that has an Axxess Custom and I thought it was rediculous. Til I played it. That thing was so bada$$. I want to steal it. :guitaristgif:
The Custom had abalone inlays just like Alex Lifesons.                      Why did Max share his screen saver with us????
I don't think it looks that bad. It sort of appeals to the MechWarrior/Transformer in me. 13 pounds of steel with 231 interactive adjustments added to an already heavy guitar?


That's so metal!
Death by Uberschall said:
Here's my thoughts on a Warmoth LP:

And look, it has binding.  :tard:

Ok ok ok... I agree that with that finish it can actually look badass :icon_tongue:

I'd like it more if it was a flat top though.