
Does this count?

Mr. Dude

Junior Member
Strat style guitar.  Made for my sons 2nd birthday-
Heres the specs:
Duncan Hines creamy home style milk chocolate neck
Duncan Hines Cream cheese icing body finish
Wilton decorative icing hardware, frets, and all else


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I saw this on Steve Vai's FaceBook today, and all I could think of was: "Why couldn't Max have been that badass at 9?" :blob7:

Check out Saxon's birthday cake featuring a chocolate Sustainer (his idea). Happy 9th Birthday Saxon from Vai.com!
I'm not seeing an output jack or strap buttons.

that seriously looks awesome.  i'd love to have that even today.
No, no, no... this is all wrong. I count a number of problems:

1. Better sustain if finished in nitro than whatever that finish is.
2. I don't see any truss rod access - that core construction is way influenced by humidity, so better access is key.
3. The knobs are not labeled, so I am hoping the third pot is a blender...

Seriously - nice work!

you know, I could do that with a exotic marbled neck and use candied carmel for a top coat, we all know pulled salt water taffy stings are best also. and I use only Godiva Pickups.