I snapped some photos of my current project, a Big Muff Pi clone.
Here's the closeup. The circuit is laid out pretty cleanly I think. It goes from left to right. The red wire is the input, which feeds into three gain stages which are almost identical. The three black transistors (marked with green crayon) are MPSA18. You can see the small red clipping diodes on the second and third stages. The yellow wires go to the sustain pot. Then on the left is the tone stack, connected by the orange wires to the tone pot, followed by the output buffer which is the fourth transistor. The green wire goes to the volume pot and output. In the background I have some different transistors I was trying, 2N2222 and 2N3609 or something like that. 2N5088 would be ideal but I didn't have any lying around.
Sounds mighty fuzzy! The gain stages are copied from a first edition Triangle BMP (except that I use NPN transistors), and the tone stack values are from the Swollen Pickle, which is much more scooped than any of the EHX BMPs.
Here's the closeup. The circuit is laid out pretty cleanly I think. It goes from left to right. The red wire is the input, which feeds into three gain stages which are almost identical. The three black transistors (marked with green crayon) are MPSA18. You can see the small red clipping diodes on the second and third stages. The yellow wires go to the sustain pot. Then on the left is the tone stack, connected by the orange wires to the tone pot, followed by the output buffer which is the fourth transistor. The green wire goes to the volume pot and output. In the background I have some different transistors I was trying, 2N2222 and 2N3609 or something like that. 2N5088 would be ideal but I didn't have any lying around.
Sounds mighty fuzzy! The gain stages are copied from a first edition Triangle BMP (except that I use NPN transistors), and the tone stack values are from the Swollen Pickle, which is much more scooped than any of the EHX BMPs.