I'm in the middle of my first finishing project. So I'm going to assume that you're primary reason for doing this was the same as mine. Specifically that you are doing this for the experience and thus are not looking for shortcuts.
The first thing I would do (if you haven't already done so) is to fit the neck on and put the bridge in place and check that everything lines up and that the scale is right. Hopefully everything will be right but if not, you will want to deal with those issues first. I only mention this because I've had issues with this and have read where a lot of others have as well.
Since this is my first finishing project and not mahogany, I can't offer any real help. I can tell you that finishing is a bit of an art in that everyone seems to do it a bit differently. I settled on the process from the site below (go to Info and scroll down). It does not address finishing mahogany but does provide a clear coat process with minimal spraying. I'll be writing up my experience with that in about a week when I get done.
From what research I've done, Cagey's schedule is what you want. You just have to get the specifics of the steps which can be found on this site as well as others.
Good luck!