I am finished with my 4x12 cab. I am just waiting for speakers. Spent about 5 hours covering the whole thing and I used contact cement so the whole room is filled with noxious fumes. The corners didn't turn out as well as I want because I didn't cut them correctly. I tried some of the guides out there where you did the corner correctly but I think I need more experience to do them right. Most of the mistakes were covered by the corner protect though. Oh and by the way, get a tailor's shear for cutting the cloth backed vinyl. Regular scissor will cut cloth but not for long (they wear out and won't cut through heavy cloth at all) however tailor's shear does cost more than regular scissor... I'd use razors but its real tedious when cutting yards of the stuff. About the rubber cement. I at first brushed on both surface and tried to press it together but the cloth and the raw wood sucked in most of the adhesive and the result is a loose bond. So after wasting one can of adhesive I poured on the unthinned adhesive (I had thinned it before with mineral spirit for easier brushing) and brushed it on liberally, then press the cloth on while the adhesive is wet. Work small area at a time though, like 1/3 of the panel at a time. It did take a while for the adhesive to dry though...