
It's been a minute..


Senior Member
I've gotten on a "I really need to get these guitar projects finished" kick here lately, and have finally gotten around to being productive.  Throught I'd post a few pics.  Apologies for the long post, but it's been a long time since I last posted about any of these projects. 

First one, is the all Warmoth (body/neck), somewhat SRV inspired Strat build that reminded me of why I'm not a Strat guy. LOL  Started out as a once piece Swamp Ash with Quilt Top, Maple/Pau Ferro neck, Fender 57/62 loaded pickguard, Sperzels and Wilkinson bridge.  I could never get that thing to stay in tune, so it just languished in the case unplayed.  I hated to have that kind of money tied up in a guitar I never played so I decided to "Super Strat" it more to my liking.  Same body/neck, but now sporting a Floyd Rose and dual hums.  The original Pau Ferro neck had the Fender style roller string trees that I had filled, and while I was putting in one of the screws for the Floyd string retainer.. it snapped off!  :doh:  So I had to use a screw removal tool to get it out which left a giant hole that I had to plug.  At that point, between the string retainer holes, and that momma honkin' huge plug.. I decided to put a nice flame maple veneer over it and viola!  Done!

Second one is the Sapele/Flame Maple guitar that I was working on that I kept knocking chunks out of the body, etc.  Anyway, I got a bit discouraged with that one and ended up just doing an oil finish on it instead of the dye job and clear that I was planning on. I set it up as a hard tail and again.. Not really happy with it so it just sat there not getting played.  Not to mention that body was HEAVY!  Decided to "Super Strat" this one too (do you see a pattern here?? LOL). This one when through a couple of iterations before settling on the final version.  First, it was a hardtail using the Pau Ferro neck off the Warmoth Strat, with a single Dimarzio Super Distortion and brass hardtail (vintage spec).  I looked, but I never took any pics of this version of the guitar.  Fast forward to today.  Added the Floyd, routed it out for three singles and used the loaded 57/62 pickguard.  The neck is a cheapo Squire neck that I had previously used to practice my fret end dressing skills and my first attempts at cutting Floyd nut shelves.  I cut the Floyd nut, rolled the fretboard edges and refretted it.  This is what it looks like now.

And lastly, the one piece walnut body that I had started and it got put to the side when I started the Sapele/Flame guitar way back when.  Finally got some pickup routes in it, and the control layout. Went with the old Kramer Nightswan pickup configuruation of dual hum, set up in the bridge/middle positions.  Using another cheapo Squire neck that I had laying around for this one.  Just getting started back on it though.



  • Warmoth Strat Original.jpg
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  • Warmoth Strat Conversion.jpg
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  • Warmoth Sapele-Flame.jpg
    Warmoth Sapele-Flame.jpg
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  • Walnut Guitar.jpg
    Walnut Guitar.jpg
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PhilHill said:
Those are all looking pretty good! Nice work!............ :icon_thumright:

Thank ya sir!  But, these are nothing compared to the work you're doing!
War_in_D said:
PhilHill said:
Those are all looking pretty good! Nice work!............ :icon_thumright:

Thank ya sir!  But, these are nothing compared to the work you're doing!

Don't be hard on yourself. You have run into problems as you go along, but you've found a way to fix it each time and conquered in the end. Not everyone can do that. Congrats, and keep going. The longer you do, the better you get............ :headbang: