
Deluxe 5 Jaguar Bass is finished (w00t)

Corey P.

Hero Member
Work In Progress Thread: http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=16891.0
Just-Out-of-the-Box Thread: http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=16365.0

I think I'm allowed to officially call this a bass now. :)


As always, Eric W. was a total champion for this build and I can't thank him enough for understanding what I wanted nor the folks who did the build & finish for giving me something even better than my ideal expectations.

I think the only thing missing from the pics is that when I took this in for a final setup we added a string retainer for the A/D strings.  I also couldn't find Super Long D'Addario strings retail, so once those arrive I'll re-string through the body.  I wound up doing the bulk of the assembly and my trusted luthier Mark Umphred @ Kenmore Music did some soldering work and the final setup.  I definitely made some rookie mistakes, but nothing easily visible, so those don't count.  :icon_thumright:

I think my favorite thing beyond the look of it is the neck - it's a little heavier than I expected, but the tone is super rich with beefy mids, and the asymmetric profile/having more heft to the bass side of the neck is very comfortable/forces me into keeping my hand positioned better. I'm honestly not sure I can go back to playing a 4-string jazz neck after this.
That's a beautiful bass Corey. When I eventually get around to my short scale G4 the neck will be Wenge on Bubinga.

So ... when does the next build start?  :icon_biggrin:
Thanks a lot, everyone!  :toothy10:

Stew said:
When I eventually get around to my short scale G4 the neck will be Wenge on Bubinga.

Awesome - I love the combination, and I'm definitely a raw neck convert/advocate going forward.

So ... when does the next build start?  :icon_biggrin:

Haha, probably sooner than later.  I was going to hold out until tax return time and go for a Tele or LP, but there's a P-Bass body in the showcase that's speaking to me & I'm worried won't last, so we'll see.  Best laid plans, right?
That thing is beautiful! The knobs are a little too big and intrusive looking for me, but overall the design and colors are great. well done
Thanks muchly!  I can definitely understand what you mean about the knobs - they're Hipshot O-rings:


I think the chrome causes a bit of a mirror effect & makes them seem bigger than they are.  I may/may not have gotten a little self-conscious after your post  :sad1: and compared them to the stock EMG knobs, and they're very close in size.  :dontknow:

I do love how easy they are to grip while playing; I might consider black o-rings at some point if I start to find them distracting, but I kinda dig the pseudo art deco look they have to them.
haha. I am subversively using my powers of peer pressure to influence other people, such as yourself, into making their instruments look more to MY liking. And it's working.

:icon_jokercolor: Don't worry about what I think. If you like it, that's the single most important detail above all others!
Hehe, naw, I appreciate the perspective, but it ultimately just reinforced how happy with them I am.  And if that ever changes, it's not like knobs are expensive or difficult to switch. :)
You and Hatchikid are the flag bearers for the Jag basses.  I would absolutely love to see more!

Rock on!!! :party07:  <--- We need a bass playing, head banging icon!
It looks great :icon_thumright:
I'm a fan of the Jag shape for bass & guitar, I hope we'll see more builds in the future.
Did those ultralights tuners keep it balancing within reason? I put five of the big ironworks Schallers on my short-scale fretless G5 (Peanut Buddha) and it got kinda necky.


I fixed it by first gluing in a two-pound stainless steel gear I had, then really gluing it in with another pound of casting epoxy.


Now it balances great sitting down, but I fall over forward standing up. Maybe I can fatten up my ass.... :icon_scratch:
That's a great looking bass!  I have those Hipshot knobs as well, and they are quite nice.  On a serious, yet lighthearted note, Eric always tells me no, on here anyway.  Tubbytwins, Haichi, and you seem to get the custom, one-of-a-kind, cooperative Eric.
Wow, thanks a ton everyone!

Jack Michaelson said:
Does Warmoth offer a pickguard for their Jag V?

I don't believe so - the Deluxe 5 itself was a bit of a custom order to begin with; it's basically the 4-string with a Deluxe 5 neck pocket, but to my knowledge they don't yet offer a pickguard for the 4-string Jag.

StubHead said:
Did those ultralights tuners keep it balancing within reason? I put five of the big ironworks Schallers on my short-scale fretless G5 (Peanut Buddha) and it got kinda necky.  I fixed it by first gluing in a two-pound stainless steel gear I had, then really gluing it in with another pound of casting epoxy.


Now it balances great sitting down, but I fall over forward standing up. Maybe I can fatten up my ass.... :icon_scratch:

That gear/ballast looks amazing, but yeah, I'd imagine that's hellish on your back/shoulder.  Coming from the wish-I-had-less-of-an-ass side of the spectrum, I'd advise against that as a solution.  :doh:  The neck is definitely on the heavy side, but not divey - the bridge is brass, and I think that helped a lot, balance-wise.  I honestly couldn't tell you how much weight I saved going with the Ultralites - I'm sure the Schaller BML Lights weigh the same or less, but I didn't want to drill index holes, and also really wanted the look of clover keys, so it was a win/win there.  Hipshot was also great to deal with - I ordered all the hardware through third parties, but when I needed longer intonation screws for the bridge they sent them to me no questions asked (beyond the mailing address), so they've really reinforced my happiness with their stuff.