
De Composer

Very nice, and I dug those guitar tones.

As a side note, did you know that Beethoven was buried with an unfinished symphony? Nat Geo did a big article on it a while back. In 2015 the German government allowed his grave to be exhumed so it could be recovered, but when the manuscript was opened it was found to be completely blank. After examining it forensic scientists were able to determine that the pages once DID contain writing, but over time the notes had disappeared. Turns out that since the moment Beethoven was buried he had been decomposing.
Very nice, and I dug those guitar tones.

As a side note, did you know that Beethoven was buried with an unfinished symphony? Nat Geo did a big article on it a while back. In 2015 the German government allowed his grave to be exhumed so it could be recovered, but when the manuscript was opened it was found to be completely blank. After examining it forensic scientists were able to determine that the pages once DID contain writing, but over time the notes had disappeared. Turns out that since the moment Beethoven was buried with the manuscript he had been decomposing.
Thanks Aaron !

I double-tracked the rhythm guitar. Panned one performance hard left and the other hard right. Always make the guitar sound huge.