
Discount Kyser capos cinco de mayo


Epic Member
Kyser capos is selling “Cinco de mayo” capos at a discount. Regular $22 for $15 plus you can get another 10% off by putting “reinadelcid10%” in the discount blank. Del CID has a YouTube channel. I got one. Looks good. While it says it's for acoustics, it works on electrics and classical no problem.

I like it because unlike the black ones I have, it doesn't disappear in the darkness.
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Ordered. I'll take a discounted Kyser. I have a few around the house. It'll go in the pile of potential stocking stuffers for December.
G7s are nice. I use them on a few instruments that are sensitive to capo pressure. I have a few Kysers as well. My new default is a Dunlop that has a dial (thumb screw) control for pressure.
Planet waves also makes front and back facing capos that are excellent adjustable. If you see any being sold, including the g7s at a third off please post. The Kyser is working out pretty good. I’m using while learning subterranean homesick blues at the fifth fret. No undue pressure or out of tune ness. I’m having a problem … It’s a wordy song and I keep getting jammed up on the last verse. I know I’ll get it eventually but it’s a mouthful and fast.

Unfortunately when it comes to singing my brain works on a just in time delivery system, so for the time being I just make up place holder words.