Cletus said:
Dangerous- or anyone else knowledgeable on this. Assuming one has access to a lovely CNC machine for routing, how would I go about programming said machine? The guys in the workshop would be happy to run it if I can tell the machine what to do. Are there any programs for specific guitars out there available or is it a case of programming it all yourself? Pardon the complete absence of knowledge evident in this post :icon_jokercolor:
It depends on the controls of the machine, and what kind of programing it takes to run said machine. For a guitar body, it would be best drawn up in a cad/cam program and transferred to the machine and let the machine run the NC program. Programing one in MG code would be a nightmare for someone unfamiliar with MG code. On the other hand, some machines like the Hurco's I run have both NC and conversational programing. If the machine has conversational program capabilities, then a guitar body could be drawn up in a matter of minutes, provided you have all necessary data to input into the machine...Got it!!!! :toothy12: