
Custom neckplate

DangerousR6 said:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
DangerousR6 said:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
Guess you can' save it as a .DXF, do you have the full version of this software or just a demo or trial version...? :dontknow:
I'm thinking full, but theres like 7 versions, plus a pro version, i have the 6 th version
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
DangerousR6 said:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
DangerousR6 said:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
Guess you can' save it as a .DXF, do you have the full version of this software or just a demo or trial version...? :dontknow:
I'm thinking full, but theres like 7 versions, plus a pro version, i have the 6 th version
I don't know what to tell ya there buddy. I'm not familiar with the program. If you have a full version then it should let you save it as anytype if file extension that they offer in ther program...Maybe do a screen shot of it and save to flickr or photobucket or whatever place you upload photo's..
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
DangerousR6 said:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
Pretty cool wanna, but I can tell you now the lettering is too small...I like it, but it's too small...
Thats alright, i can upsize them!
At the same time you'll have to do what corporate  america's doing to the workforce, and downsize the ninja star...
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
DangerousR6 said:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
DangerousR6 said:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
Pretty cool wanna, but I can tell you now the lettering is too small...I like it, but it's too small...
Thats alright, i can upsize them!
At the same time you'll have to do what corporate  america's doing to the workforce, and downsize the ninja star...
Letme essplain.....There has to be room inbetween items on the plate for the cutter to cut around. If you want the letters to touch each other that's fine. However there has to be space for the cutter to clear all around them and also inbetween the letters and the interior design and the border... :icon_biggrin:

That's just the way it works.... :dontknow:
Instead of posting another picture, how about, no Custom or Warmoth, just the "ninja Star" and maybe if there's space a Warmoth in something other than a standard font.

A thought just crept into my mind, i'm not buying one and why am i getting involved in it :laughing7:  It's just fun designing things on the computer i quess!
DangerousR6 said:
At the same time you'll have to do what corporate  america's doing to the workforce, and downsize the ninja star...

Aahhh Man,   I hate it when people downsize the ninja star   :sad:


NonsenseTele said:
:D Ok! I'm on work in the next 6h, so please, post here instead of flickr!  :icon_thumright:
Here ya go Fernando... The finish may appear to look funky, but it's just some anti-rust spray i put on it. It will clean off with alcohol...
NonsenseTele said:
:icon_biggrin: :glasses9:
Hell yeah! Sending my adress through PM!
:icon_thumright:.....Se eu tive que fazer o mesmos outra vez eu, meu amigo, Fernando