
Custom neckplate

Everything's covered for now, but I did just get a VIP body that'll have to get a neck attached to it. I've found they don't tune well without them <grin>
Got the news today, my cnc machine will ship out wed....
Death by Uberschall said:
DangerousR6 said:
Death by Uberschall said:
Cagey said:
DangerousR6 said:
Got the news today, my cnc machine will ship out wed....

I feel an urge to install some compensated nuts...

Is that like padded Speedos?  :icon_jokercolor:
Hey, aren't you supposed to be working on,................................................
yip.... :icon_biggrin:
I know my black MIM strat ought to be wearing an R6 plate, but alas, funds are still tight, plus I have no idea what I'd want on it.
crash said:
jimh said:
(Milling Machine + Chrome Neckplate) x (DangerousR6 + Max) = Happy La Cabronita

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
LOL, that's funny you should post that pic. My best friend I work with looks just like Adam, and he gets the question all the time..."hey, you know you look like the guy from Mythbusters"...
Well got the call friday from the shipping service, my macine will be here tomorrow moring.....Can't wait, I probably won't get any sleep tonight..... :headbang1: