
Contoured heel

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Death by Uberschall said:
The All Access heel might be licensed and protected by other companies.

fender actually had one. so maybe it is posible. i just remembered this but if you are familiar with heartfield guitars they made a strat like thing with sharp edges instead of the normal radii at the tip of the horns and the transition from the top to the sides and back, it looked much like an ibanez RG with a pickguard and had an angled pointy headstock and a floyd. the one my friend had didn't have any designation i can remember but just said heartfield by fender on the headstock.
i know these aren't the heartfields most people remember but they did exist, and i wonder if it was an atempt to copy ibanez or if it predates ibanez and was the inspiration for the RG and the all access heal.

that guitar sat around here for a long time when my friend moved away it was at my house but eventually i left for the millitary and my brother decided it was his and now it has been dismantled and since thrown away. it was cool though, it had a notched tone control and the pot was stacked like a stereo pot, i think it did normal high cut one way and a bass cut the other.
Doughboy said:
I'm no expert on CNC machines, but couldn't it be programed to do serveral different jobs? They can still offer the regular Fender heel, their present semi countourerd heel & then an All Access super contour. People can choose that they want & they can charge extra according to the option.

I have 6 Warmoths with the 7th is on the way & I always get them unfinished & contour the heel here. now, if I could get it pre-contoured from Warmoth, I would also get them to finish it as well. It would save me a lot of time & put a few extra $ in Warmoths pocket as well. It's a win win situation.
Yes, any cnc machine can be programed to do multiple things, one right after another.
the reason warmoth doesn't have that all access neck heel is because the neck pockets have to be able to fit fender-necks. sure, they could make the fender-pocket AND the all access pocket, and also the same thing with heels, but its a lot of extra work; are we willing to pay for that work? I'm not, for starters.

Besides, I don't like the contoured heel. I want WOOD there, and the more wood you shave off, the worst is it for your tone, thats also why i don't like the all access neck. It looks great, plays great, but sounds lousy. more wood there means a more woody tone. Also, I use that huge 'block' as an anchor for soloing. My thumb rests against that block, and that way I can stretch my fingers for fast soloing, and reach to even the 24th fret (if I had one!) without breaking a sweat.

oh, PS: I play les pauls.
Orpheo said:
Besides, I don't like the contoured heel. I want WOOD there, and the more wood you shave off, the worst is it for your tone, thats also why i don't like the all access neck. It looks great, plays great, but sounds lousy. more wood there means a more woody tone.

$100 says you wouldn't know the difference in a blind listening test.
Orpheo said:
Besides, I don't like the contoured heel. I want WOOD there, and the more wood you shave off, the worst is it for your tone, thats also why i don't like the all access neck. It looks great, plays great, but sounds lousy. more wood there means a more woody tone. Also, I use that huge 'block' as an anchor for soloing. My thumb rests against that block, and that way I can stretch my fingers for fast soloing, and reach to even the 24th fret (if I had one!) without breaking a sweat.

oh, PS: I play les pauls.

DUDE, that's so untrue. I've done this 2x with guitars, where I assembled it raw with the normal heel & played & recorded with it & then contoured the heel & played & recorded with it, & the tone is the EXACT same. The only difference is that the contoured heel is infinitely more comfortable to play.

dNA said:
Orpheo said:
Besides, I don't like the contoured heel. I want WOOD there, and the more wood you shave off, the worst is it for your tone, thats also why i don't like the all access neck. It looks great, plays great, but sounds lousy. more wood there means a more woody tone.

$100 says you wouldn't know the difference in a blind listening test.

when listening? sure, I wouldn't, but I don't listen, I play. when I play, I feel the difference, and thats what counts for me.

@doughboy: can't you read? I wrote from my experience, not from yours or someone elses. I don't like those heels, because I don't like the tone AND I don't like the feel. The fact that you like it, is, in all honousty, none of my concern.

and if you couldn't hear or feel the difference, doesn't mean that there is no difference? Sure there IS a difference, and I described it as 'less woody', less 'tone'. its minor, but its there. We look at bridges, woods, pickups, tuners and nuts for tone, but we 'ignore' pickuppositions, bridge angles, pot values and specific 'bulks' of wood, for tone, which are equally important.
Orpheo said:
when listening? sure, I wouldn't, but I don't listen, I play. when I play, I feel the difference, and thats what counts for me.

Orpheo said:
and if you couldn't hear or feel the difference, doesn't mean that there is no difference? Sure there IS a difference, and I described it as 'less woody', less 'tone'. its minor, but its there.

you are one of those people that just can't be argued with. and for that reason, I'm closing this topic
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