Considerations in finishing a maple body


Hey everyone, I'm new here. I'm planning on building myself a bass, but there are a ton of things I hadn't even thought of when I started out. One of them is finishing the body. A friend of mine who built a bass a while ago simply went with tung oil, but from what I've read, it's not sufficient to protect the neck. So I'm wondering, will it protect the body? I'm leaning towards lacquering it all myself, or letting Warmoth do the neck for me, if it turns out the wood needs more protection than linseed oil.
I just came across this. It sounds like a good way to get some texture and color in the maple, but I'm very skeptical because I'm worried about harming the wood. Does anyone know if the coffee glaze stain is feasible for either the body or neck?
The "coffee stain" thing smacks of a hen party solution in search of a problem, something Martha Stewart would come up with to be clever. You could just as easily stain with blueberries, tea, blood, etc. if you wanted to go the whacko route.

Maple is a closed-cell wood, so generally speaking, it doesn't take stain well regardless of the type or source of stain. It can be done, and is done all the time, but you need to be aware that the results can be inconsistent, blotchy and disappointing. If you want a transparent finish with some color, you're much better off tinting your cover coat finish.