
Connect Kinman K9-syetem with Graph tech's ghost piezo-system?

Mattias Svensson

Junior Member
I'm thinking in connecting Kinman's woodstock plus No Soldering Harnesses K9-system to a strat being made by Warmoth right now. I also want a graph tech ghost piezo-system. I have tvo questions:

-One of the toneknobs I will use to the piezo-volume. That means that i have to get rid of the master tine-knob of the K9 system. If there's no solution for this. I don't think there's any room for a fourth knob? Any suggestions? If I decide to remove the tone master-knob, is that doable, is there any problem or a hard thing to do?

-My second question is about connecting the K9 system to the piezo-system. The magnet puckups are connected from the magnet volume-pot in the diagram to the preamp of the piezo-system which then goes to the stere telejack so you can choose to play the piezo through Pa and the magnet puckups on your amp. At the picture for the K9 system thera are two cables going to the telejack, could a remove the telejack and connect them to the pezo preamp instead? I think I have to remove that cable and use the one on the piezo-system. Do I have to solder that cable to the K9-system or is it done with a clipp?

Anyone have these systems or someone know hove this is to be done?



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I have not used kinman system but I have graphtec (just ghost system not the acoustiphonic module)

I would advise against using the kinman system with ghost/acoustiphonic, it gets very tight in the control cavity with just the graphtec stuff, adding the extra bulk of that other system you may not be able to fit it all.. also with graphtec you are going to have to do soldering anyways so that kind of defeats the point of a solderless system

if you are going to install ghost system make sure to get a battery box rout and an extra side jack rout for the 13 pin out
I'm just going for the piezo, not the midi-stuff. And I have a battery-boxrout on the body that is being made by Warmoth right now.

A question, is there anywhere where I can se what adapters graph tech is using to connect the wire's to the piezo preamp. Its two pins, but i want to know the distance between them because Kinman now said they could replace the tele-jack with a connector that will fit to the Graph tech piezo preamp. But they wanted to know the distance between the two pins, but I can't find that information, anyone knows?
I'm now in the process of putting the K9 and graph tech piezo-system together. it works together but it's to tight in the control cavity, I have to think about how to use the space most efficient to make this work  :icon_scratch:
F*ck! There isn't enough room for the graph tech circuit-board and some a little bit cable, I have to make the cavity a bit bigger on the side towards the jack-cavity, because thats the only side were there's room to dig. Any suggestions how to do this?