

who should win??

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knucklehead G said:
Line6man has my vote for the neck alone.

tubby.twins said:
Same here.  Padauk is beautiful.

Awesome! :blob7:
Ahhhhh, I slipped out of first place. Oh well, I never expected to win this with that Spalted tele sitting there. That thing is a work of art and the one I would have voted for if I didn't have to vote for myself.
very tough one this time!
I voted for Back to the future..  there is something about that guitar, even though it doesn't have a lot of exotic woods  :dontknow:
Wow, my bad, guys. I wasn't aware of  the rule that we couldn't/shouldn't vote for our own guitar. I surely wouldn't have if I had known that.
mullyman said:
Wow, my bad, guys. I wasn't aware of  the rule that we couldn't/shouldn't vote for our own guitar. I surely wouldn't have if I had known that.

This has never been established as far as I know. I figured it was more of a politeness thing, although I will surely be voting for my P when I get to enter it.
I never really thought about it. I mean I thought it was pretty much normal to vote for yourself. I sincerely apologize to all involved. Maybe we should write up a set of informal......."rules" sounds a bit harsh...."guidelines" for this type of thing. Again, my bad, guys. For what it's worth I would vote for the Spalt Tele. Love spalted maple.
Pfft. When I enter, I'm voting for mine. If you married guys had to judge a beauty contest your wife was in, you might have a bit of bias too. And it's understandable.
I gotta go with Jimbo since it looks great and most importantly, he's a lefty.

Otherwise I woulda gone with dudesweet's purple strat.
Married women don't enter beauty contests, Max, those are for teenagers and young 20 somethings. The husbands would also not want their wives to know that they were judging a beauty contest :doh:. When you're about 20 years older we'll let you use married guy analogies... :icon_thumright:
Oooh, I'm slipping out of the lead, looks like I gotta hit the campaign trail.....


Sorry, guys, just thinking about making this poster had me laughing my a$$ off. Please take it as the joke it's supposed to be.
but I wouldn't be hurt if you voted for "Tomoko"  :headbang1:
I don't know (or care) if it's kosher to say who one votes for - BUT, I like guitars that also look like true player's instruments, too...

Jack:  :icon_thumright:
knucklehead G said:
mullyman said:
Wow, my bad, guys. I wasn't aware of  the rule that we couldn't/shouldn't vote for our own guitar. I surely wouldn't have if I had known that.

This has never been established as far as I know. I figured it was more of a politeness thing, although I will surely be voting for my P when I get to enter it.
AFAIK it hasn't been established. 

However, I've seen too many news stories like this one to dismiss voting for ones self.
Well, I guess it's up to each person to vote the way they like. It just never entered my mind NOT to vote for myself. I thought that was the American way. I know I've been living in Japan for almost 20 years but last time I checked I was still an American citizen. hehe!!