so, i was originally planning to have a H-P90-H setup, with 5 way blade and a concentric pot for each. i was also going to have it rear-routed and put 2 mini switchs just below the control plate, below the concentic pots for the HBs. i have since thought about it, ummed and ahhed, and decided that i'm just gonna stick with H-X-H with 2 concentrics, hopefully fitting two mini switches onto the control plate (between the two concentric knobs).
i have noticed on the teles that i have seen recently (willyk's collection), that there is plenty of room between the two knobs, i just hope it will fit inside... however the mini switches are very mini, even the housings are fairly unobtrusive. the pickups are vintage vibe guitars custom humbuckers wound like hot p-90s, with ceramic magnets. i have them at present in an epi sg with the above-mentioned mini switches, and they rock. massively.
i guess this way i will save money on rear-route, not to mention extra pickup, extra pots/knobs etc for the p-90 i was gonna slap in between the HBs.
still i need to know though; are control plates available on the market that are set up for 2knobs and a 3 way gibson style switch? or are they all set on blade switches? can i buy blank plates and just drill them myself? i am totally new to the tele thing, so i don't have much clue...