
Cleaning up fret mask residue


Senior Member
I used a StewMac fret mask (http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Fretting_supplies/Shaping_and_crowning/Fret_Dressing_Masks.html?tab=Details#details) on my tele deluxe neck.  I scraped off the tinted lacquer from the frets.  Anyway, I just peeled off the mask and it left a sticky residue all over the neck.  Any tips to get it off? 
apply denatured alcohol or naptha (it's really the same stuff) with an clean, lintless rag or an old t-shirt.
Strip the strings off, and use denatured Alcohol and a paper towel, do it a few times then restring.
Thanks guys. I should've stated that this is a maple fret board with a Tonar applied nitro finish on it.  Will the naptha mess up the finish?