
classic, vintage-ish clear tele finish?

nathan a

Hero Member
So I've never really finished a body before (except black and white spray paint a few summers ago  :doh:)

I'd love to do a very classic telecaster. Some sort of an oil finish on swamp ash, perhaps just slightly tinted. Something with a little color. An amalgamation of the following pictures... Anybody know what might be a good oil to use, or if I'd need a mild tinting agent? I'm open to pretty much anything.

I LOVE the color of roy's tele, but I'm looking for a clearer finish.

Not as tinted orange or glossy as this showcaser

Always been fond of this tele deluxe, but i'd like a bit more tint

Perhaps like keef's (though the color is a little weird in this picture)

And p.s. -------  :laughing11:

Okay I admit it, I just wanted an excuse to use that one. He looks DEAD

*EDIT-- The more I look at it, the more I like that showcase bod. I'd still prefer something less glossy though.
A couple of thing you might try:

Minwax Golden Pecan oil based stain - Could work, it's lighter. less "orange" than your example pictures.
ReRanch Fender Neck Amber - You would have to shoot an extremely light coat to get the tint it sounds like you're aiming for; it gets more amber the heavier you spray/the more coats you shoot.

You can apply whatever oil finish on top of either option.
*EDIT-- The more I look at it, the more I like that showcase bod. I'd still prefer something less glossy though.

Ok! Don't buy it then... But don't cry when I buy it! :laughing11:

Maybe you should try "clear" finish...
Are you searching this kind of finish??
Where did my picture of roy go? I know I put it in there.

jack, do you have pictures of any project that used that stain or that tint? The minwax stain sounds like what I'm looking for...

nonsensetele, the clear isn'y really what I want, I much prefer that tinted showcase fellow. I'm actually falling in love with it... but go ahead, she's yours. This is a far-future project (plus, I'd like to finish this one myself. But I do really like that look)
I'm of doing thinking exactly the same thing nathan!!, a true "classic" blackguard tele is all my guitar collection seems to be missing. Like you mine is also very far in the future, still sanding my mahogany tele thinline down at the moment and its taking frickin ages!!!!

Anyway good look with it. I wish they sold Minwax products here in the UK, they sound like the best way to go for this finish.
Probably not exactly what you're looking for, but the front of the Zebrawood Strat at this link is finished with the Golden Pecan:


Keep in mind that the pic was taken on a cloudy day, so the light stripes are actually lighter, and the wood's darker than swamp ash to start out with. Additionally, it gets darker with each coat you put on and there are four coats of the golden pecan, you probably just need 1-2 to get the effect you're looking for; tried that on an ash body I use to test finishes on.

Hey, a can is $4 dollars available everywhere, and you can always test/sand back if you don't get the exact shade you want.
Holy Crap Jack, do you live in the middle of the woods? looks like the backyard of a cabin that I have rented several times in Glen Rose..
anyway, I love that zebra strat!

I have used Golden Pecan on my Korina Strat, and really liked the result!
Yesterday, I tried it on my new Swamp Ash strat body, and it came out too Brown. I also tried "natural" from Minwax, and it was way too light.  so now I am back looking for alternatives..
Maybe I'll go for Woodburst Honey Oak after all.. but I am still afraid that it will turn out too yellow
ok. sorry for the triple post...
But I was just wondering if anybody ever finished a swamp ash body with just tru-oil, no stain..
I noticed that the tru oil was turning a little bit darker after a couple of weeks on one of my maple necks, but it could be my imagination..
I wonder if tru-oil on ash will turn amber by itself after a while...
m4rk0 said:
But I was just wondering if anybody ever finished a swamp ash body with just tru-oil, no stain..
I wonder if tru-oil on ash will turn amber by itself after a while

I wonder about that too marko, that'd be fantastic since I've heard great things about tru-oil in general, and would love to be able to just use that for the tele application. Your korina strat looks great though, I can see why you tried it on the swamp ash. Got a photo of that mishap yesterday?
My project isnt until way in the future, so I can't really help experiment with you.. But keep us posted on what you settle on. Sounds like we're going for a very similar look.

jack- I love the stain on your zebra strat. Considering marko's issue with the minwax, maybe just one coat would be good. I'm still waiting for a perfect cloudy-but-bright day to take a photo of my recently completed black korina tele deluxe.

soloshchenko- (whew that was a bitch to type) I'm in exactly the same place. I just a few days ago finished up a build i've been working of all spring/ summer. The black guard teles are so sexy arent they? Unfortunately, mine is backseat to a future black korina + rosewood/ebony hollow L5s w/ p90s, and then a standard jazzmaster w/ solid rw neck. Good luck!
Yes, live on 6 acres in the middle of the forest; could hunt deer/wild turkey with a spear from the deck if you were so inclined....

nathan a said:
nonsensetele, the clear isn'y really what I want, I much prefer that tinted showcase fellow. I'm actually falling in love with it... but go ahead, she's yours. This is a far-future project (plus, I'd like to finish this one myself. But I do really like that look)

Don't worry! the importation tax here is to high... I won't buy it hehehehehehehe
But I like the classic tele visual! It's weird, but sexy!
now that i know when you live im going to start sending chain letters.
i'll address the envelopes to the middle of Sherwood Forest  :laughing7:
That is fantastic Jack! Someday I would like to live in the woods like that!

I'll try to take a picture later!
Hey Nathan,
Here's a pic of the stain 'test': Golden Pecan on the left, 'Natural' on the right.
I ended up going for 'Natural'. see 2nd and 3rd pic.



Lovely. I support the decision to go with natural; it looks like I'll have to do the same, but I'll probably use a few more coats, get some more tint going. Thta is gonna look sweet though my friend.
Thanks! :) this was just one coat.. and it is 'pre-filler'
Somebody advised me to put on one coat of stain before Filling the grain, so that I can see how far to sand down the filler.
m4rk0 said:
Thanks! :) this was just one coat.. and it is 'pre-filler'
Somebody advised me to put on one coat of stain before Filling the grain, so that I can see how far to sand down the filler.

Hmmmmm *note to self* that is good advice. And just one coat too... perfect. I've found my stain  :hello2: