
Cant Buy With PayPal ? what are we still living under a rock.....

croquet hoop said:
I had some answers for the OP regarding the pros and cons of paypal, the 24-fret fingerboard extension and such, but reading the last two pages it's obvious that it's either a prank or a hopeless case.

Same here, and my vote is for the latter.

I suspect somebody just got too deep into the bottle and was drunk dialing.
Cagey said:
croquet hoop said:
I had some answers for the OP regarding the pros and cons of paypal, the 24-fret fingerboard extension and such, but reading the last two pages it's obvious that it's either a prank or a hopeless case.

Same here, and my vote is for the latter.

I suspect somebody just got too deep into the bottle and was drunk dialing.

Hahah and another thing...

P.S. garble garble garble

and another thing....

P.S. garble garbel garble

and another thing....

P.S. jeesh how many P.S. can you do in a writing.
jazz88 said:
obviously you know nothing about paypal then, I get user discounts and have superior protection from fraud as well as buyer protection on bad purchases and it cost me less as I often get incentive discounts, so your lying about paypal, which is why I disregarded your B.S. post, and I already have a girlfriend and a mommy so please quit talking to me, your not my wife...lol

I had to repost you keep side tracking my topic with your personal inaccurate fanboy b.s.

Yet you don't trust them enough to transfer money to your account? All that protection it would seem like it would be safe enough.
Just my own .02 cents worth thrown in for perspective.

Paypal has a notorious habit of suspending services when anomalies present themselves.  For example, all electronic transactions have a multiple back & forth "conversation" electronically as part of the transaction process.  For credit cards, this is called a "pre-authorization", which explains why a transaction of $25 sometimes shows up temporarily on your online statement for $150.  The retailer has no input on the amount of the "Pre-Auth", that is determined electronically by the banking institution.

For PayPal, their electronic communication hasn't always been up to the same standards as those of banks that issue credit cards, and therefore, anomalies occur.  As with any banking institution, when an anomaly occurs, the first safeguard is to suspend services pending confirmation against fraudelant activity.

For Paypal, this "suspension of services" doesn't limit itself to the consumer only, but also the retailer, hence why not every retailer offers PayPal as an option.

For a retailer, the suspension of a credit card only delays a transaction on the consumer end, but to have transactions as a whole using a particular payment method suspending on both the consumer and the sellers end, can wreak havoc on the seller, especially when dealing worlwide with things like currency exchange rates & such, and then compile that with perhaps several times a day or week, for a small business.

I can see why many businesses don't deal with PayPal, especially small businesses such as Warmoth.  Larger businesses can negotiate terms with an entity as large as PayPal, but a small business has little or no negotiating leverage.

Let's also put things into perspective, Warmoth is indeed a small business, under 50 employees, all stuffed into an 8000 sq ft pole building with the world's largest inventory of replacement bodies, necks, the largest Floyd Rose, Seymour Duncan dealer, file cabinets, machinery, wood storage, office staff.  It's a testament of efficiency for the use of the space that they are using, but it's still a small business.
All good points. More so, there are a number of different ways Paypal can get funds. You can use a Paypal positive balance if you have one, checking or savings accounts, credit cards, etc. and depending on which one you use they charge differently. Where that ends up being a problem is if you're on the receiving end. You might end up 3% short of your charge if the buyer chooses wrong or doesn't check the right box regarding who pays for the transfer. Now, even if everything goes right, you're short. I'm sure a lot of individuals playing on eBay just eat it, but if you're a business like Warmoth, that could be hundreds of transactions per month that are being shorted. Pennies don't seem like much, but million of anything is a lot.
jackthehack said:
Jazz88 - Go buy from somebody that takes PayPal and go be dickish there as well...


Plus it really makes me question his validity especially if that 88 in his handle is anything but his birth year.....

If you need to ask Google it....
sixstringsamurai said:
My question is:

Where are the Mods in all this? and why haven't they shut this idiocy down?


The mods don't usually bother with threads like this, preferring instead to let the forum self-regulate. If they haven't seen it though, it only makes this thread more hilarious, because none of the whining will have been acknowledged by Warmoth, despite being repeated over and over in a desperate attempt to be heard.  :blob7:
SustainerPlayer said:

He wouldn't hang out here spreading his poorly punctuated attacks on Warmoth (-and English grammar) if you quit letting him yank your chain.

I say Jazz88 should be welcome to log in and start all the one post/zero replies threads he wants!  :laughing7:
the last $450 warmoth Pro I bought sounds like vibrating metal wow! thats nice when playing the blues, cant imagine what thats doing for sustain, did the wood tap test on the back and it vibrates and buzzes like a wind chime, yuck, cant have that on a real players tone machine.
Many people would have tried to fix that. And succeeded, with the proper checklist.
I really do want to buy from you guys as I have been a loyal Warmoth buyer for many years, but its looking dicey
Many people maintain a separate bank account for certain sorts of business transactions, though I have never had a "raid" on an account as a result of PayPal interaction. Unlike, say, FRiKKING VERIZON....

Many people have also retrieved money from PayPal successfully?
real metal players arn't going to buy a fricken 24 fret extension that they cant even reach
This did a great deal to ease my curiosity about tone, demeanor (&spelling!) but why is a "real metal player" posting under Jazz88? You didn't, like, eat your neighbor or something? Bestowal of wookiehood may depend upon this circumstance... :o :toothy12:
All other salient points of rebuttal aside, it seems your real beef is wih paypal, because they won't let you access your money on terms to your liking. (I dont link ether for that reason).
Hey, I'd like to be able to use PayPal too, and if all those other retailers (some of whom are tiny) have got around all these issues, then I'm pretty sure Warmoth could too, if they wanted to.

The difference between me and the OP is I'm not gonna be a douche about it. They've lost business from me because of this before, but I didn't even tell them. What's the point? It doesn't take long before you realise that most times you ask them to change something you get a "no", and so you stop bothering. Which, it really cannot be overemphasised is not a big deal.