
Cant Buy With PayPal ? what are we still living under a rock.....

that is why I posted here where the buyers hang out...maybe you could be honest and ask yourself if any of this would matter to you, if so dont be so quick to make excuse as to why its ok that your getting a crappy fretboard extension instead of the real thing, maybe as buyers you might also want to mention it to Warmoth....duh

What the heck I cant use my Paypal account to buy from Warmoth,  Jeesh ...unreal, I have $700 bucks I want to give it to them but they dont use paypal, what is this company still using a filing cabinet or what....?

Paypal dosnt allow you to transfer your money except directly to your bank account, something I will not hook up to paypal for security reasons, so now Im stuck using my $700 I made on E-BAY at another neck and body place, guess I will have to buy from one of these fine vendors that actually do use Paypal:

Musikraft: http://www.musikraft.com/product-list.php?pg1-cid156.html
USA Custom: http://www.usacustomguitars.com/
B.Hefner: http://www.bhefner.com/index.php?l=product_list&c=43
Stew Mac: http://www.stewmac.com/Materials_and_Supplies/Bodies_and_Necks_and_Wood/
Allparts:http: http: http://www.allparts.com/

I also wanted to note, you guys dont have much in stock in the vintage modern strat and tele section, this is particularly important as the last $450 warmoth Pro I bought sounds like vibrating metal wow! thats nice when playing the blues, cant imagine what thats doing for sustain, did the wood tap test on the back and it vibrates and buzzes like a wind chime, yuck, cant have that on a real players tone machine.

please add to the vintage modern section and please quit jacking your prices up on bad grained necks, calling a neck quartersawn when the grain looks like a rocky river of whirlpools is ridiculous, I was very shocked to see how much you guys are trying to get for what looks to be a guaranteed warper or bright white Green wood neck...I love this company but I am seeing some serious weak spots, hope this helps.

p.s. I will try to get my money out of paypal somehow, I really do want to buy from you guys as I have been a loyal Warmoth buyer for many years, but its looking dicey ...you really need to get with the times, paypal is for real and its here to stay so...

12 million paypal users a day that translates into serious untapped money for the company.....

24 fret necks with real wood, Warmoth would corner the entire metal market, they would be flying out of that place, every shredder on the planet that wanted to build their own guitar would be buying from Warmoth....that translates into serious untapped cash for the company.....

Instead of trying to navigate around lawsuits from jackson, Gibson, ESP next....they should put their efforts into the the needs and wants of the customer and quit avoiding the obvious...these are all things that would yield huge returns for Warmoth.

tell the truth, you mean to tell me that not one of you guys secretly wished you could dump your $450 bucks on a real wood 24 fret neck...then why dont you see anyone buying those silly extensions....look at the soloist section...nothing there, and for good reason, real metal players arn't going to buy a fricken 24 fret extension that they cant even reach...especially with no wood under the fret board, that translates into (no tone).

If trying to point out weakness in hopes of change is a frowned upon, then so be it complacency is common these days...but to make excuses as to why weakness are ok or justified just because your a fanboy is the real travesty and its misleading to new builders.

ps. Paypal hardly cost more, I actually get discounts for using it...duh...
that is why I posted here where the buyers hang out...maybe you could be honest and ask yourself if any of this would matter to you, if so dont be so quick to make excuse as to why its ok that your getting a crappy fretboard extension instead of the real thing among other things, maybe as buyers you might also want to mention it to Warmoth....duh
jazz88 said:
that is why I posted here where the buyers hang out...maybe you could be honest and ask yourself if any of this would matter to you, if so dont be so quick to make excuse as to why its ok that your getting a crappy fretboard extension instead of the real thing, maybe as buyers you might also want to mention it to Warmoth....duh

Have you actually mentioned it to Warmoth?
Yep, right here and for future customers to see and also contemplate and maybe participate in voicing thier own thoughts on the subject, instead of just one guy and a phone call, this now affords others the opportunity to say hey that would be nice and maybe post thier support.

of course if the whole post gets side tracked by a bunch of fanboys who just want to run from post to post and write something meaningless like oh we dont like that you questioned things ..( like so many worthy post about change do )....I feel making the statement here is a good place to start.
jazz88 said:
and by the way you dont have to post if you are not liking the topic or conversation, just because you spend 12 hours a day writing on guitar forums dosnt make your opinion any more worthy, I might even add that your opinions have become some what watered down and meaningless, considering all of you here at one time spent countlesss post discussing the differences in wood types and options, yet now say and  tell new posters that wood type dosnt matter and support every option good and "BAD" as if you were getting a dividend check.

What does this have to do with anything? You can't even stay on topic. You went from whining about PayPal, to bashing me for unknown reasons, to whining about 24 fret neck options, within the span of a few posts, before anything was even resolved.
see what I mean, countless post about personal bit*cing, but no honest assesment of options and possibilities....I dont care about your period, please dont talk to me.
What the heck I cant use my Paypal account to buy from Warmoth,  Jeesh ...unreal, I have $700 bucks I want to give it to them but they dont use paypal, what is this company still using a filing cabinet or what....?

Paypal dosnt allow you to transfer your money except directly to your bank account, something I will not hook up to paypal for security reasons, so now Im stuck using my $700 I made on E-BAY at another neck and body place, guess I will have to buy from one of these fine vendors that actually do use Paypal:

Musikraft: http://www.musikraft.com/product-list.php?pg1-cid156.html
USA Custom: http://www.usacustomguitars.com/
B.Hefner: http://www.bhefner.com/index.php?l=product_list&c=43
Stew Mac: http://www.stewmac.com/Materials_and_Supplies/Bodies_and_Necks_and_Wood/
Allparts:http: http: http://www.allparts.com/

I also wanted to note, you guys dont have much in stock in the vintage modern strat and tele section, this is particularly important as the last $450 warmoth Pro I bought sounds like vibrating metal wow! thats nice when playing the blues, cant imagine what thats doing for sustain, did the wood tap test on the back and it vibrates and buzzes like a wind chime, yuck, cant have that on a real players tone machine.

please add to the vintage modern section and please quit jacking your prices up on bad grained necks, calling a neck quartersawn when the grain looks like a rocky river of whirlpools is ridiculous, I was very shocked to see how much you guys are trying to get for what looks to be a guaranteed warper or bright white Green wood neck...I love this company but I am seeing some serious weak spots, hope this helps.

p.s. I will try to get my money out of paypal somehow, I really do want to buy from you guys as I have been a loyal Warmoth buyer for many years, but its looking dicey ...you really need to get with the times, paypal is for real and its here to stay so...

12 million paypal users a day that translates into serious untapped money for the company.....

24 fret necks with real wood, Warmoth would corner the entire metal market, they would be flying out of that place, every shredder on the planet that wanted to build their own guitar would be buying from Warmoth....that translates into serious untapped cash for the company.....

Instead of trying to navigate around lawsuits from jackson, Gibson, ESP next....they should put their efforts into the the needs and wants of the customer and quit avoiding the obvious...these are all things that would yield huge returns for Warmoth.

tell the truth, you mean to tell me that not one of you guys secretly wished you could dump your $450 bucks on a real wood 24 fret neck...then why dont you see anyone buying those silly extensions....look at the soloist section...nothing there, and for good reason, real metal players arn't going to buy a fricken 24 fret extension that they cant even reach...especially with no wood under the fret board, that translates into (no tone).

If trying to point out weakness in hopes of change is a frowned upon, then so be it complacency is common these days...but to make excuses as to why weakness are ok or justified just because your a fanboy is the real travesty and its misleading to new builders.

ps. Paypal hardly cost more, I actually get discounts for using it...duh..
jazz88 said:
see what I mean, countless post about personal bit*cing, but no honest assesment of options and possibilities....I dont care about your period, please dont talk to me.

The first three sentences of my first post in this thread explained the issue with PayPal. You keep choosing to ignore this information in favor of whining that everyone (Or just me? Whatever the case.) is closed-minded to your suggestion.

And as far "countless posts about personal bit*cing" go, you have copied and pasted one of your posts like three times now. No one wants to read the same post four times.
obviously you know nothing about paypal then, I get user discounts and have superior protection from fraud as well as buyer protection on bad purchases and it cost me less as I often get incentive discounts, so your lying about paypal, which is why I disregarded your B.S. post, and I already have a girlfriend and a mommy so please quit talking to me, your not my wife...lol

I had to repost you keep side tracking my topic with your personal inaccurate fanboy b.s.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't saying that it was more expensive for YOU to use paypal but rather that it is more expensive for Warmoth to take paypal.  But then you knew that already.  Have fun.
Im pretty sure Warmoth would have no problem passing any possible charge to the customer, they already charge huge for some seriously crappy junk in the show case ( Im not saying everything, again I love them, bought many good necks and bodies, a few bad, but almost all good) so hard to understand the cost to the company, they obviously know how to recoup their expenses. but thank you for actually discussing the topic, also, Warmoth would be protected in their transactions and the net gain would be so big, from a financial perspective, it cannot be considered anything but a worthy business decision, of course maybe they dont want that kind of growth, that makes sense if logistically you dont want to expand or change.

guess I will have to take a chance and start shopping around, I have heard alot of good things about Musikraft lately....maybe look into making a paypal transaction and see what I get for my money....too bad, .....Warmoth's show case is awesome for finding a specific body shape or wood.
jazz88 said:
I had to repost you keep side tracking my topic with your personal inaccurate fanboy b.s.

This is the silliest thing I have ever heard. Try repeating yourself ad nauseum when someone sidetracks your whining, in real life, and see how far that gets you. I'm done here.
oh thank you, I was getting really tired of the go around, I was preparing to give you the "its not you its me speech"  have a nice life, dont call me I'll call you.  lol

also I hardly think the topic is a whine, its a damn inconvienience is what it is, No Paypal ? now thats silly.
I feel like I got dumber after reading through this thread.  :tard:  :doh:
SlartiBartfast beat me to it, but this says it too:

(this is to jazz88, if that wasn't blindingly obvious)
Gotta love that 88 handle, too. Heil Hitler, and such. (Didn't we just have another 88 guy last month?)
if you want a 24 fret neck with 'real wood' under the overhang, go to musikraft. But, those necks aren't replacement necks since the bridge needs to be relocated too for a neck like that.

That's why Warmoth doesn't offer that: you can't swap a neck like that on any random guitar with a fender strat-style neck pocket.

Do your homework. I'm sick and tired of having to spell it out for guys who have a mouth as big as Kim Kardashian's ass and an attitude to match.

Is that for real ?  :icon_biggrin:

I had some answers for the OP regarding the pros and cons of paypal, the 24-fret fingerboard extension and such, but reading the last two pages it's obvious that it's either a prank or a hopeless case.