
Can anyone recommend a good person or shop to do my wiring?


6 inches? nice.

I didn't know we were comparing "resistors" (ahem.)

It's not how big it is, it's how you use it... :)


P.S. Mr Line6man,

Are you "line6man" as in, "you really like the sound of their stuff" and you're a fan etc..., OR, based on your expert and awe inspiring electronics knowledge, are you "line6man" as in  THE ACTUAL GUY who invented and runs line6 or works there in the secret lab desiging bitchin' products?

Based on your expertise, I'm betting on the latter. :)

Massive kudos in either case.
fu22ba55 said:

6 inches? nice.

I didn't know we were comparing "resistors" (ahem.)

It's not how big it is, it's how you use it... :)


P.S. Mr Line6man,

Are you "line6man" as in, "you really like the sound of their stuff" and you're a fan etc..., OR, based on your expert and awe inspiring electronics knowledge, are you "line6man" as in  THE ACTUAL GUY who invented and runs line6 or works there in the secret lab desiging bitchin' products?

Based on your expertise, I'm betting on the latter. :)

Massive kudos in either case.

No, i am just a really big fan. I don't technically work for Line6, but i have done some work with them. I know a couple of employee's there and they are a cool company.