Built to order basswood weight

Great, now we're gonna start seeing low-carb, hi-protein plant food all over the forest, which will add to the up-charge for lightweight bodies.

I've found that simply going from a 2" to a 3" wide strap can make a world of difference.

NOW AVAILABLE: Arobacized Guitar Bodies!!!  Get your Zumba Conditioned Carved Top Soloist Today!!!
Totally satirical, by the way.

TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
Great, now we're gonna start seeing low-carb, hi-protein plant food all over the forest, which will add to the up-charge for lightweight bodies.

I've found that simply going from a 2" to a 3" wide strap can make a world of difference.

NOW AVAILABLE: Arobacized Guitar Bodies!!!  Get your Zumba Conditioned Carved Top Soloist Today!!!
Totally satirical, by the way.

Even using a strap with a suede back vs. a poly or nylon back helps. the suede grips your clothes better, so  it seems lighter. To me, at least.
Logrinn said:
double A said:
... and by extension, termites. Who knows what the future may hold?

Hmm, could it be that Warmoth are thinking about outsourcing the really difficult routing jobs?


Or perhaps the return of the BK tone worms???