
Build with northern lights-style finish

Thanks !
Oh right, where would I post that one for GOM ? I saw a "GOM winners" thread but that's probably not it.
You will have to wait for the next GOM submissions thread. Instructions on what to do will be in there.

There is a summer recess.
Thanks !

This one is essentially combining two guitars I had into a single one (too many guitars, not enough space :-) )

Most of the hardware comes from a prior build I decided to part with:
and the pickups / electronics are a Clapton Crashocaster-style guitar that I also parted with.

As for the finish, it's just that I discovered PRS finishes not too long ago and got intrigued having something similar done on a Strat.
My only concern was putting a gloss finish on the neck, but that seems to be OK so far.