The bass version:
Agathis Thunderbird body, hollow with F holes.
Beige finish with competition stripes and binding of any kind.
Darkstar pickups.
250K audio taper pots, with a really shitety taper.
0.1uF capacitors.
Two tone controls and no pickup selector switch. (They will interact that way.)
$50 9V preamp with very little headroom.
Skirted knobs like on the old Fender amps.
Ebony bridge.
Indian Rosewood neck (Apparently Mahogany is not available on bass necks, so IR is the next warmest wood.) with a satin finish over the nice raw wood.
Maple fretboard.
No inlays.
Frets. (*shudders :sad
The largest sized frets.
"V" headstock.
Big heavy tuners. (Again, POS Squier tuners mounted crookedly, and the hardware mismatching.)
POS plastic nut.
Eyelet bolt strap buttons, with strap duct taped to the body.
Throw a guitar pickup with very bad string alignment between the two Darkstars...