
Buckethead ?

Personally, I can't stand the guy. Showmanship is one thing, being a clown is another altogether. Never heard him play anything that actually snagged me. I really don't think I could ever get over the bucket, I'm with Ozzie on this one :toothy11:
Max said:
whitebison66 said:
I'd rather floss my nuts with razor wire than listen to the 'new' GnR.
My brother actually said he liked that album  :doh:

Haven't heard all the album, but there is a song or two that I like... "Better" is a good one, although it's not really "GnR" for the sense... neighter Velvet Revolver is
http://www.plugin-band.com/news/Shawn.jpg    http://www.youropinionsarewrong.com/images/random/bucket-unmasked.jpg  THIS IS BRIAN CARROLL "BUCKETHEAD". There are no if's ands or buts about it. Its fact. There is NO big mystery about who he is or what he looks like.   
1jimbo said:
http://www.plugin-band.com/news/Shawn.jpg     http://www.youropinionsarewrong.com/images/random/bucket-unmasked.jpg   THIS IS BRIAN CARROLL "BUCKETHEAD". There are no if's ands or buts about it. Its fact. There is NO big mystery about who he is or what he looks like.   
I think he should put the bucket and mask back on.  :icon_jokercolor:

And though GNR might be my single biggest influence early on, they didn't do anything good after their first record. Excepting maybe the acoustic redo of You're Crazy from Lies, which had the sickest LP clean tone ever.
I was waiting for someone to post "Soothsayer." That's probably the one Buckethead song I like. In related news, I own the new G'n'R album, and to be honest, it's not that bad. Sure, there's a lot of fat that could be trimmed away, but there are also some good, solid songs. Ever since it came out, I've maintained that it would have been a hit if it "Guns and Roses" and Chinese Democracy weren't wriiten on the cover. Anyone else could have released that album and gotten away with it, but not Axl Rose. No album could possibly live up to 17 years of hype.
1jimbo said:
http://www.plugin-band.com/news/Shawn.jpg     http://www.youropinionsarewrong.com/images/random/bucket-unmasked.jpg   THIS IS BRIAN CARROLL "BUCKETHEAD". There are no if's ands or buts about it. Its fact. There is NO big mystery about who he is or what he looks like.   

So...There's no Santa Claus? NOOO!!!! THANKS A LOT DUDE!  :evil4: hahaha

Check out the whole Colma album. It's on Nylon strings, a Godin Xt i think...Anyway it's got no shredding and it's all nice and easy.

Some might think it's sleepy, but I find it really emotive and sensitive playing. It's actually pretty sexy. Put it on and lower the lights.
Sinn a mon and Banila!

Throw yo clothes...On the flo'
Imma take mah clothes of too!

Naw but for real though, the Music is rather tender.