
Brothers In Arms - Dire Straits


Junior Member
We always wanted to play and record this most atmospheric Dire Straits song in my view.

And we are happy to get it done shortly before end of year.

The beat is 5 bpm slower than the original. We think it is more grooving. May be a question of age, I guess  :icon_biggrin:

This tune is crying out for a Gibson Les Paul ...


All the best and a good start into year 2019  :icon_thumright:

Folks - thanks for all your well meaning feedback. I appreciate a lot !

The curious thing: as an old guy, I have just started to learn and appreciate the "Old school playing style"  :icon_biggrin:

Having the amp configured (Clean/Crunch) for that - with a Tube Screamer and a clean boost as pre effects - I vary the sound a lot just with the guitar volume knob (6-10). Amazing tone variation with a single knob and dircet access, but not appropriate for every style of course.

I love those volume pedal swells. A lot of atmosphere in the song comes from them. It sounds almost like a keyboard to me.

In case of interest: A lot of friends have asked us for a free of charge song download capability. I think the mix is  nice and balanced:


wolbai  :icon_thumright:
Man, that's some really good stuff you've done. I skipped a few clips to sample. When I have some time I'll be going back for more. Thanks for the link.