
Boss Pedal Help


Ouch please help me  :sad:

So I have the following boss pedals, in order. TU-2, CS-3, DS-1, DD-7, RC-20.

Now when I use my hot gutar, which has SD Blackouts AHB-1 I come accross an extremly annoying problem.

My cleans are hot, crisp and sound fantastic, as soon as I stomp on the DS-1 I lose all volume. When I use my other guitar with passive PUPS I get lees volume on the clean, and the DS-1 is flawless.

So what I end up doing is turning down the volume from my guitar until the clean and distortion match up.

Does anyone have any ideas as why this might be the case?
That's odd...
DS-1 is distortion, right?
That should be a boost too. Is this even with the level cranked?
Yes max, I have the volume for the DS-1 up full when that guitar is plugged in. Still doesn't get anywhere near the output the clean does!
Do you get any volume with the DS-1 and active pups if you turn the volume almost all the way down?
I'd remove the rest of the pedals and try the DS1 on it's own...See if it still does it.
Those active pickups are probably loud as hell.  When the DS1 is bypassed you get full volume from the pickups, so it's louder than with your other guitar.  When the DS1 is engaged, the signal gets clipped at a certain level, so both guitars produce the same volume, lower than the Blackouts' output but higher than the passive pups'.
Good thoughts. I'm not sure that answers his question, though.

I'm supporting what your saying in that they should have similar volumes.
I use both active and passives in my main live 4. On the same amp and pedal setup I dont' get an appreciable difference in volume.  They sound different, but the EMGs are not really any louder than my Lawrence or Duncan guits.

What has me wondering is that he said only on the Active Ax, "as soon as I stomp on the DS-1 I lose all volume." But it works fine with the passives...So strange. Maybe the battery is low in the Blackouts and it doesn't have enought "juice" to come out overdriven?  :icon_scratch:

For real, try using JUST the distorto pedal on it's own and see if you get the same results as when it's in the chain.