Boss DS-1

Strat Avenger

Hero Member
So I have a Boss DS-1 that I got years ago. It's the third one I have owned in my life. It's always had a decent sounding distortion and it's been modified, but one thing I've never been happy with (before and after the modification) is the glassy high-end. I don't know what frequency it is but it must be 10k or higher. It's almost too "hi-fi" for electric guitar.
I run the "Tone" knob a little left of center but that seems to just cut the upper mids while still allowing the "glass" to come through, so it's not a simple matter of adjusting the tone control.
I just wonder if anything could be done to tame it while keeping everything else the same.
So I have a Boss DS-1 that I got years ago. It's the third one I have owned in my life. It's always had a decent sounding distortion and it's been modified, but one thing I've never been happy with (before and after the modification) is the glassy high-end. I don't know what frequency it is but it must be 10k or higher. It's almost too "hi-fi" for electric guitar.
I run the "Tone" knob a little left of center but that seems to just cut the upper mids while still allowing the "glass" to come through, so it's not a simple matter of adjusting the tone control.
I just wonder if anything could be done to tame it while keeping everything else the same.
Get the Keeley Orange?
I really like the “IK Multimedia Z-Tone Buffer Boost guitar preamp pedal”. (They also make a desk top unit for the studio.) I understand the “Z-Tone” center knob is basically changing impedance. The effect feels like a “warm to bright” control, and all smooth sounding, not harsh. That and a bonus boost switch.
It was like “the missing link” for me.
Amazon has them for $100 now.
I have a Japan DS-1 that I took the diodes out of more of a boost now,haven't used for quite a while.
Okay, I guess I should have done some research before creating this thread. The information I've seen says that if I change the C10 capacitor to a different value, I can reduce the extreme highs.

"If you like the general sound of the DS-1 but are looking for less highs and more of a tonal range, change C10 to a capacitor with a larger value. Stock is .01uf for a frequency roll-off of 7.2kHz."

.015uf for 4.8KHz cutoff
.022uf for 3.2KHz cutoff