I've been casting around the web trying to find an answer to the rubbish midi implementation on the GT8.
I want to assign a prog change - something that I want - to a patch on the GET so that when, for example I hit GET patch 3-1 (bank 3, pedal 1) it sends a prig change to my Roland JV1080 synth module, for example PC 20 (Strings).
Seems to me that despite trying all combinations in the GET SYSTEM parameters (MIDI based) and making changes to the PRIG status and assigning new prig change data to the relevant pedal - it refuses to send my PC to the synth and sends its own stupid, useless PC regardless of what I do.
Seems to me you've had a similar prob.
I'm using a Godin xtSA (you Canadians make great guitars !) thru a Roland GI-10 pitch-to-midi converter driving a Roland JV1080 synth module. It tracks great, no glitches. But a I need to select an appropriate synth patch to match the song set-up on the GET patch.
Amazing - Roland / Boss - its the same company. Don't they talk to each other in the design phase ?
Question is - did you get anywhere to overcome this problem ?
London, England