
black stain finish


Okay i want to do a black finish on a charvel san dimas buil, its a alder body, i like the black stain finish look, now first build, how should i prep the body, sanding? What dye would you use? Do i need the sanding sealer first after sanding prep? How many coats of the black stain or black dye? How would you apply the stain or dye? Do i sand after the stain or dye? What would you use over the stain or dye, finish wise, tung oil, tru oil? If so how many coats and do i sand between coats? Do finish the cavities or neck pocket? Any other info would be great along with picks. Would i block off the holes for the volume, neck holes, trem holes, and jack hole? Would you install the posts for the floyd before the finish or not? Oh and one more thing, its going to be one humbucker and one volume, how do i sheild and where do i sheild, and cant i do it with that spray, and if so what is that sheilding spray that i need? sorry for all the questions, total newb. thanks.
WOW! that's a lot of questions.
Google is your friend, but Tonar has made many threads about finishing. I'd check those out.

Overall, I'd say that you probably want to seal the body. This will build up a smooth surface. A tip that just came out in the latest Stew-Mac Trade Secrets is NOT to skip grades of sanding as the process goes forward. Progress gradually for best results.

I THINK that satin or matte finishes do have some kind of top coat over the color...not sure though.

I'd finish the Cavity, but not the neck pocket, but i dont' think it'll really matter all that much. On MY bolt-ons, I have the pocket sanded bare.
I wouldn't worry about covering up the holes for the pots and jacks and such, because after the finish is complete, you can just detail sand those areas if they need it.

I would NOT install any hardware, such as trem posts until after the finish is cured.

Sheilding...Meh, may not be needed. I don't have any of my guitars with sheilding paint or copper tape or any of that.

Hope that helps, but also check out the older threads, some of them are pretty detailed
Ha ha! Me too!
I'm a few steps behind you. I'm still shaping my body, WAY rough right now, but It's gonna be worth all the work to get it right.  :cool01:
I think you were the one asking me about my Jackson's, are you talking about a finish like these? :icon_scratch:

lyon76 said:
yea that top one in the pictures
That's an ash body, no grain filler with blue stain...I'm not exactly sure what they used to cover the stain to protect it or if it even has anything on it to protect it at all...But it has a satin finish... :icon_biggrin: