Okay i want to do a black finish on a charvel san dimas buil, its a alder body, i like the black stain finish look, now first build, how should i prep the body, sanding? What dye would you use? Do i need the sanding sealer first after sanding prep? How many coats of the black stain or black dye? How would you apply the stain or dye? Do i sand after the stain or dye? What would you use over the stain or dye, finish wise, tung oil, tru oil? If so how many coats and do i sand between coats? Do finish the cavities or neck pocket? Any other info would be great along with picks. Would i block off the holes for the volume, neck holes, trem holes, and jack hole? Would you install the posts for the floyd before the finish or not? Oh and one more thing, its going to be one humbucker and one volume, how do i sheild and where do i sheild, and cant i do it with that spray, and if so what is that sheilding spray that i need? sorry for all the questions, total newb. thanks.