
Bin Laden dead

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DangerousR6 said:
back2thefutre said:
too bad Osama can't face the international courts alive.
He did, the verdict was guilty, and he got sentenced to a missle up the ass...

Thats about the best damn thing I've ever read. Thank you Doug!  :icon_thumright:
line6man said:
Max said:
To be fair, it is political, but the politics are going to be extremely one-sided on this forum, it will be more of a collective pleasure in the elimination of the head of a extremist terrorism organization.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Do you honestly believe that politics can even be mentioned without things ending badly?
NEVER underestimate human stupidity.
Especially your own  :icon_jokercolor:

Cletus said:
+ eleventy billion. Max, feel free to celebrate in private if that be your wish, but imo it shouldn't be here. I'm not mourning his passing, but I don't want read a bunch of rubbish on a guitar forum either.

Not to sound like I'm preaching or anything, but if you don't want to read it then don't; its not like anyone is forcing you too. I for one am happy to see that bearded, cave-dwelling, knob headed coward dead.


elfro89 said:
Cletus said:
+ eleventy billion. Max, feel free to celebrate in private if that be your wish, but imo it shouldn't be here. I'm not mourning his passing, but I don't want read a bunch of rubbish on a guitar forum either.

Not to sound like I'm preaching or anything, but if you don't want to read it then don't; its not like anyone is forcing you too. I for one am happy to see that bearded, cave-dwelling, knob headed coward dead.


The question is, why here? I come here for the obvious, not shit like this. How about YOU go elsewhere, have a bloody party for all I care. But I'm not interested in American triumphalism here or anywhere else.

I'm sure there were plenty of people around the world who were happy to see America get a bloody nose that day. How would you feel if they posted here too?

Cletus said:
Max said:
Goodbye, oh thread of mine.

Told ya. If I could hold a differing opinion without getting attacked it might be OK- but it doesn't play like that Max.

Having and expressing an opinion is one thing. Advocating terrorism and lecturing people on your superior morality is quite another.

Edit: I retract anything I have said to add to this conversation, besides that I think there are now people on both sides of an argument acting like fools. News is news. Why'd it have to be turned into a fight?
elfro89 said:
Cletus said:
Max said:
Goodbye, oh thread of mine.

Told ya. If I could hold a differing opinion without getting attacked it might be OK- but it doesn't play like that Max.

Having and expressing an opinion is one thing. Advocating terrorism and lecturing people on your superior morality is quite another.

You must be retarded, just like your former President. I did no such thing.
Cletus said:
elfro89 said:
Cletus said:
Max said:
Goodbye, oh thread of mine.

Told ya. If I could hold a differing opinion without getting attacked it might be OK- but it doesn't play like that Max.

Having and expressing an opinion is one thing. Advocating terrorism and lecturing people on your superior morality is quite another.

You must be retarded, just like your former President. I did no such thing.

Retarded? Former president? Don't you mean Prime Minister? I'll let you try and figure out which European country I live in. Making assumptions is not clever, some might even call it retarded.
dNA said:
Cletus said:
Max said:
Goodbye, oh thread of mine.

Told ya. If I could hold a differing opinion without getting attacked it might be OK- but it doesn't play like that Max.

Dude, seriously? YOU were the one who said it would go bad. Then nobody did or said anything, then YOU proceeded to turn it into an argument with.. umm. the wall? Hell if I know. There's tons of other shitee on this board that doesn't interest you, me, or the next guy but I don't see you telling every guy who posts something unrelated to guitars in another thread that he shouldn't be posting. Guess what, just because you don't want to see it doesn't give you the right to tell people they can't share it. You never had to look at it and there's just no rationale for why this shouldn't be shared and any other off-topic subject matter should. You have obviously have an agenda and you came into this conversation to start something with a handful of people who could not care less whether or not you read or are in any way involved in the conversation.
Since you're DEFINITELY going to reply to this comment of mine, I might as well ask you a question. If you don't want to read about it, and it doesn't involve you, and nobody asked your opinion - why the hell did you decide to say anything in the first place? I'd love to know your reason, cuz I'm sure it's a good one.

Yeah you clown, I have an agenda. Al Qaeda planted me here in case this happened.
Answer: Because of stupid reactionary dickheads like you.

Attention America: 11/9 (day/month you backwards people) is not a momentous day in history. Most of the rest of us don''t care, and for plenty of others (not me as it turns out) that day simply gave back a miniscule portion of what your country had been handing out for decades, so they weren't altogether unhappy about it. When you realise there is a rest of the world, it might like you more.

For the record, I have never met an American person I didn't like, even my father in law is a Republican creationist from Texas, but your country has issues, as evidenced by this thread.
elfro89 said:
Cletus said:
elfro89 said:
Cletus said:
Max said:
Goodbye, oh thread of mine.

Told ya. If I could hold a differing opinion without getting attacked it might be OK- but it doesn't play like that Max.

Having and expressing an opinion is one thing. Advocating terrorism and lecturing people on your superior morality is quite another.

You must be retarded, just like your former President. I did no such thing.

Retarded? Former president? Don't you mean Prime Minister? I'll let you try and figure out which European country I live in. Making assumptions is not clever, some might even call it retarded.

Yes- saying I "advocated terrorism" and I was  "lecturing people on superior morality" is retarded. FACT. I don't give a crap where you live, but lets say the UK.
Cletus said:
Yes- saying I "advocated terrorism" and I was  "lecturing people on superior morality" is retarded. FACT. I don't give a crap where you live, but lets say the UK.

Uhuh, finished? Sure there is nothing else you wish to add?

Thanks for your opinion, I'll go back to being happy about phallus phaces demise, the rest of you guys feel free to join me, complimentary cigar anyone?

elfro89 said:
Cletus said:
Yes- saying I "advocated terrorism" and I was  "lecturing people on superior morality" is retarded. FACT. I don't give a crap where you live, but lets say the UK.

Uhuh, finished? Sure there is nothing else you wish to add?

Thanks for your opinion, I'll go back to being happy about phallus phaces demise, the rest of you guys feel free to join me, complimentary cigar anyone?

Be happy all you like. You'll still be a twat.
Cletus said:
elfro89 said:
Cletus said:
Yes- saying I "advocated terrorism" and I was  "lecturing people on superior morality" is retarded. FACT. I don't give a crap where you live, but lets say the UK.

Uhuh, finished? Sure there is nothing else you wish to add?

Thanks for your opinion, I'll go back to being happy about phallus phaces demise, the rest of you guys feel free to join me, complimentary cigar anyone?

Be happy all you like. You'll still be a twit.

A happy twit, with a cigar and many freinds  :)
Cletus said:
but your country has issues, as evidenced by this thread.

Yes, our issue is that we allow free speech, so that even fools from other nations who ride safely on our coattails can express their... opinions... openly.  Liberty is a two edged sword; sometimes it injures on the uptake.

Yes, nationalism for its own sake is stupid, this entire series of "conflicts" has been poorly implemented, and this belated death is not a victory.  I hate many things about all of this, but make no mistake: these are human failings we're seeing, not national ones.

That being said, I am glad that my enemy has found a way to whatever afterlife awaits him.  I'm not sad that international "courts" didn't wastet heir time with him.  He used women as shields in the end... that dog needed to be put down.

AprioriMark said:
Cletus said:
but your country has issues, as evidenced by this thread.

Yes, our issue is that we allow free speech, so that even fools from other nations who ride safely on our coattails can express their... opinions... openly.  Liberty is a two edged sword; sometimes it injures on the uptake.

Yes, nationalism for its own sake is stupid, this entire series of "conflicts" has been poorly implemented, and this belated death is not a victory.  I hate many things about all of this, but make no mistake: these are human failings we're seeing, not national ones.

That being said, I am glad that my enemy has found a way to whatever afterlife awaits him.  I'm not sad that international "courts" didn't wastet heir time with him.  He used women as shields in the end... that dog needed to be put down.


Mark, I don't disagree with any of that , bar the backhander you were dispensing. By the way,  being in the American coattails (whether I like it or not) doesn't allow anything at all.
Cletus said:
Attention America: 11/9 (day/month you backwards people) is not a momentous day in history. Most of the rest of us don''t care, and for plenty of others (not me as it turns out) that day simply gave back a miniscule portion of what your country had been handing out for decades, so they weren't altogether unhappy about it. When you realise there is a rest of the world, it might like you more.

9/11 (Or 11/9, whatever the fudge you want to call it.) was the greatest attack on American soil in history. I don't give a fudge how you feel about it, but don't try to say that that's not something to mark down as a momentous day in history.

Cletus said:
but your country has issues, as evidenced by this thread.

Fallacious reasoning if I ever saw it.
You're judging a whole country by what a handful of people on a guitar forum say? :tard:
Cletus said:
AprioriMark said:
Cletus said:
but your country has issues, as evidenced by this thread.

Yes, our issue is that we allow free speech, so that even fools from other nations who ride safely on our coattails can express their... opinions... openly.  Liberty is a two edged sword; sometimes it injures on the uptake.

Yes, nationalism for its own sake is stupid, this entire series of "conflicts" has been poorly implemented, and this belated death is not a victory.  I hate many things about all of this, but make no mistake: these are human failings we're seeing, not national ones.

That being said, I am glad that my enemy has found a way to whatever afterlife awaits him.  I'm not sad that international "courts" didn't wastet heir time with him.  He used women as shields in the end... that dog needed to be put down.


Mark, I don't disagree with any of that , bar the backhander you were dispensing. By the way,  being in the American coattails (whether I like it or not) doesn't allow anything at all.

Truth told, I don't know anyone's nationality who has posted.  That was a tiny joke, of sorts, but all humor is based in reality.  We all take advantage of each other in whatever ways are feasible.  It's human nature, unfortunately.  Having stood next to peoples that my nation's way of life has wronged, I can't stand up and claim righteousness at all on our part.  I also think it's easy to judge when you're not in it, and that's not a "closed door" statement.  It doesn't end the conversation, but it also can't be ignored.  I suppose it also applies to all parties. 

So, more understanding, less judging all around, and please forgive some of us for pouring a quiet drink with our loved ones.  I can't help but feel a sense of justification over this any more than many people felt when GW had shoes throw at him.  We reap what we sow.

AprioriMark said:
Cletus said:
AprioriMark said:
Cletus said:
but your country has issues, as evidenced by this thread.

Yes, our issue is that we allow free speech, so that even fools from other nations who ride safely on our coattails can express their... opinions... openly.  Liberty is a two edged sword; sometimes it injures on the uptake.

Yes, nationalism for its own sake is stupid, this entire series of "conflicts" has been poorly implemented, and this belated death is not a victory.  I hate many things about all of this, but make no mistake: these are human failings we're seeing, not national ones.

That being said, I am glad that my enemy has found a way to whatever afterlife awaits him.  I'm not sad that international "courts" didn't wastet heir time with him.  He used women as shields in the end... that dog needed to be put down.


Mark, I don't disagree with any of that , bar the backhander you were dispensing. By the way,  being in the American coattails (whether I like it or not) doesn't allow anything at all.

Truth told, I don't know anyone's nationality who has posted.  That was a tiny joke, of sorts, but all humor is based in reality.  We all take advantage of each other in whatever ways are feasible.  It's human nature, unfortunately.  Having stood next to peoples that my nation's way of life has wronged, I can't stand up and claim righteousness at all on our part.  I also think it's easy to judge when you're not in it, and that's not a "closed door" statement.  It doesn't end the conversation, but it also can't be ignored.  I suppose it also applies to all parties. 

So, more understanding, less judging all around, and please forgive some of us for pouring a quiet drink with our loved ones.  I can't help but feel a sense of justification over this any more than many people felt when GW had shoes throw at him.  We reap what we sow.


And again mark- I don't disagree or begrudge that, your attitude is quite reasonable. I simply object to triumphalism and a complete lack of awareness of history, and unfortunately there's been a bit of that on this thread.
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