
Bin Laden dead

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Btw, Wyliee or Gregg, if this turns too political, please lock it up. I'm just posting it as significant news.
Our soldiers have been bootin' the Taliban's ass for a long time, plenty of tired people out there and I'm sure they will say it's far from over, but hopefully now this is the beginning of the end. Good work lads.
It's about phuken time, they got that bastages...

I'm waiting :P
Can we put this in the "Who gives a shit" sub-forum?

This can and will get political, best to stop it now.
Cletus, this is a pretty significant event, actually. To be fair, it is political, but the politics are going to be extremely one-sided on this forum, it will be more of a collective pleasure in the elimination of the head of a extremist terrorism organization.
Max said:
To be fair, it is political, but the politics are going to be extremely one-sided on this forum, it will be more of a collective pleasure in the elimination of the head of a extremist terrorism organization.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Do you honestly believe that politics can even be mentioned without things ending badly?
NEVER underestimate human stupidity.
line6man said:
Max said:
To be fair, it is political, but the politics are going to be extremely one-sided on this forum, it will be more of a collective pleasure in the elimination of the head of a extremist terrorism organization.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Do you honestly believe that politics can even be mentioned without things ending badly?
NEVER underestimate human stupidity.

+ eleventy billion. Max, feel free to celebrate in private if that be your wish, but imo it shouldn't be here. I'm not mourning his passing, but I don't want read a bunch of rubbish on a guitar forum either.
If they have got him I wanna see proof before the conspiracy theorists start up some cooked up story. IF he is dead, it is a welcome relief from his aura as a modern day bogey-man.

What I wanna see though, is a full expose on which maggots have been feeding this dog for so long. If they have got him  in an ambush or captured his hideaway, let's hope there's plenty of intel info to flush out the rest of them and expose those who have helped them.
Well as a total liberal I celebrate this along with any conservative or even tea-bagger who wants to raise a glass with me. Especially the people who I'd most disagree with politically, cheers! Great news. :)  I will withhold all (most) sarcasm about how it took Obama almost three years to catch that fudger after Bush gave him an 8 year head start. Anyhow, great stuff. Cheers, world!
back2thefutre said:
too bad Osama can't face the international courts alive.

Imagining him, GW Bush, Rumsfeld, Chaney and Wolfowitz in the dock together makes me smile.
line6man said:
Cletus said:
back2thefutre said:
too bad Osama can't face the international courts alive.

Imagining him, GW Bush, Rumsfeld, Chaney and Wolfowitz in the dock together makes me smile.

Doesn't this contradict what you said in your first two replies to this thread? :tard:

I did say it would get political, and I was right. Sure, fine, he's dead. Good. But as I've mentioned, there's plenty of others that would be in the dock with him.
Cletus shut up already. This is some personal shit to a lot of us and it is worthy of posting about. Go Bitch about beer posts or something less relevant. We are excited and interested so let us have our moment and share thoughts about a huge event in our lives with people we find worthy. If you don't care to contribute stfu and let the people have their moment. Maybe if this happened in your backyard and you had relatives whose lives were directly affected by 9/11 you would have a different stance.
I was way young when the first news came, but I've seen ground zero. Even after cleanup, that's a depressing place.
Cletus shut up already. This is some personal shiteee to a lot of us and it is worthy of posting about. Go Bitch about beer posts or something less relevant. We are excited and interested so let us have our moment and share thoughts about a huge event in our lives with people we find worthy. If you don't care to contribute stfu and let the people have their moment. Maybe if this happened in your backyard and you had relatives whose lives were directly affected by 9/11 you would have a different stance.

Piss off Pablo. I'm entitled to an opinion, even if a whiner like you doesn't like it. Have their moment? Maybe if you had a clue about the world you might have a different stance. For the record, I'm not pro-Islam, or any religion. I'm anti-blowing people up, and the Americans do it more than most.

By the way Pablo? Did you know anyone who died that day?
For those of you following the topic, the link I posted in post 2 has been updated since I posted the post.

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