Max said:To be fair, it is political, but the politics are going to be extremely one-sided on this forum, it will be more of a collective pleasure in the elimination of the head of a extremist terrorism organization.
line6man said:Max said:To be fair, it is political, but the politics are going to be extremely one-sided on this forum, it will be more of a collective pleasure in the elimination of the head of a extremist terrorism organization.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Do you honestly believe that politics can even be mentioned without things ending badly?
NEVER underestimate human stupidity.
back2thefutre said:too bad Osama can't face the international courts alive.
He did, the verdict was guilty, and he got sentenced to a missle up the ass...back2thefutre said:too bad Osama can't face the international courts alive.
line6man said:Cletus said:back2thefutre said:too bad Osama can't face the international courts alive.
Imagining him, GW Bush, Rumsfeld, Chaney and Wolfowitz in the dock together makes me smile.
Doesn't this contradict what you said in your first two replies to this thread? :tard:
Cletus shut up already. This is some personal shiteee to a lot of us and it is worthy of posting about. Go Bitch about beer posts or something less relevant. We are excited and interested so let us have our moment and share thoughts about a huge event in our lives with people we find worthy. If you don't care to contribute stfu and let the people have their moment. Maybe if this happened in your backyard and you had relatives whose lives were directly affected by 9/11 you would have a different stance.