
Billy Bo pt.2

GratefullyRedd said:
DangerousR6 said:
Oh no, I ain't done.... :headbang1:
I'll take your  :headbang1: and raise you a :party07:
Back to our regularly scheduled program...I finished filling the back moved on to the sides now. The back is like glass smooth.... :icon_biggrin:
I call shenanigans on this. there is no reverse point headstock and no floyd. there is no way this is Doug's I think he account got hacked.
ocguy106 said:
I call shenanigans on this. there is no reverse point headstock and no floyd. there is no way this is Doug's I think he account got hacked.
ocguy106 said:
I call shenanigans on this. there is no reverse point headstock and no floyd. there is no way this is Doug's I think he account got hacked.
I tried some shenanigan mock ups with pointy rev headstocks and floyds, but it just didn't seem to fit. Plus I just couldn't bring myself  to do that to the "Reverand Willy G".... :toothy12:
oh man i missed all the  :headbang1: so  :headbang1:

i'd also like to throw in a  :headbang: and a  :party07:

Dan025 said:
oh man i missed all the  :headbang1: so  :headbang1:

i'd also like to throw in a  :headbang: and a  :party07:

hell ya...... :headbang1:

:guitarplayer2:  :party07:  :headbang: