
Best Way / Tools to Route for Pickup

bob7point7 said:
Love the green, by the way! Do you have a Mopar that matches it?

haha i don't! would love a charger though :icon_biggrin: a '68 to '74 maybe. i thought about getting a custom pickguard made with the mopar logo in the middle. i thought it would look really cool if i could hide the middle pickup. but i think it would look a little weird if i had a pickup going right through the middle of it, so i might scrap that idea. i think it'll need some sort of themed neck plate from doug though!

EDIT: they took away my picture of a badass green Charger :sad1:
the p-90's ive sen are only tall because the poles screws protrude throught the back, just clip them and you'll have something t5hat's just over 5/8 inch or so, well i dont have a ruler in hand but that's my guess from the pup im looking at.