Battle of the Teles: Which One Would You Pick?



After deciding that I "needed" a Tele, I succumbed  to the bug and I'm about to build my 4th Warmoth. I currently don't own any guitars with a maple neck/fingerboard, so I set out with 2 simple parameters: build a Tele with a maple fingerboard. I decided on a '59 Roundback Warmoth Pro Tele neck made with unfinished roasted maple, no inlay, and SS6105 frets. I made my decision and placed my order earlier today, so the waiting now begins!

Since I know the fine people of this forum love looking at guitars, I decided to post the (very crude and basic) mockup that I used to help me visualize the final product and make my decision. I'm curious: which one of these combinations would you have chosen? From left to right: Spalted Maple, Macassar Ebony, Pau Ferro, Cocobolo, Figured Walnut, or Indian Rosewood?

Teles by joe.vajgrt, on Flickr
I can't decide, but I'm thinking the first row up from the bottom.
No preference, but I prefer solid colours with maple boards generally. If I had to pick one to go with the neck the spalted.

None of them fulfills my personal taste. But that aside - Macassar Ebony looks so insanely beautiful IRL that the photographs can't do it justice. So that would be my choice 4 U!  :)
I would go with the Pau Ferro, Cocobolo or Figured Walnut with that neck. For the others, though beautiful I would keep thinking I might like it better with a different neck.
Cagey said:
I can't decide, but I'm thinking the first row up from the bottom.

Ha! I couldn't agree more. Browsing the showcase and choosing from so many awesome pieces of lumber is an embarrassment of riches.
Surf n Music said:
I'd pick the one on the left  :laughing3: not to go against May fly  :toothy11:

Great minds... something something. I'm with you and went for the Spalted Maple/Roasted Maple combo. While the other options are GORGEOUS, the Macassar Ebony was a little too spendy for me, and while I loved the Cocobolo and Pau Ferro tops, my eye was ultimately caught by the fungus among us.
Bagman67 said:
The macassar ebony is pretty sexy.

Yeah, fo' sho'. It's been in the showcase for quite awhile now, and at just a tad under $800, it might stay there for a little while longer.
I'm a sucker for the spalted maple. That would be one fine tele but not over doing it...not too much if you know what I mean.