Yeah it sounds like The Hangover + Pulp Fiction + a dream you would have after eating a lot of spicy food.
nexrex said:
WB, any big news? :icon_biggrin:
While I was gone: Basically while I was gone I played guitar a lot. 250+ hours of practice. I managed to cut back on my internet usage a lot, which was nice. I did some small paintings, though guitar was a lot more fun, so I didn't do as many as I had originally planned. I started working on a clay sculpture as well which will be a companion piece to one of my paintings. I finally got the body cavity routed in my solid body ukulele project. Other than that I basically just worked, didn't go on any trips or anything. We got some goats at my mom's house, so my husband and I built a feeder thing for them. Oh, but I did play and sing for an audience of over 100 people a few weeks ago, which was amazing even though I wish it had been under better circumstances. Yeah, that's about it.