

GoDrex said:
well I guess sausage fest '10 is over :laughing7:


Looks like you guys have been working on a lot of projects.  I'm kind of wondering what "misbehaving" you guys were up to and why you think I would be able to do to prevent it now that I'm back.  :laughing7:
Well, we Bought 30 Kilo's of Blow, some Mexican Sky Candy... and then we called this phone number written in the Mens room wall at Hooters.

After that its all Kind of a Blur, but I vaguely remember Max had to stab me in the heart with an Adrenaline Shot. and that Cagey may or may not have lost his foot.

all I know for sure is that After the high wore off, I realized I had a tattoo of Carrot Top over my navel. And I can now Drive a Stick.

Jayswear is not allowed back in Las Vegas ever again...

Hi! I don't think we've talked to much Hannaugh!
AGWAN said:
Well, we Bought 30 Kilo's of Blow, some Mexican Sky Candy... and then we called this phone number written in the Mens room wall at Hooters.

After that its all Kind of a Blur, but I vaguely remember Max had to stab me in the heart with an Adrenaline Shot. and that Cagey may or may not have lost his foot.

all I know for sure is that After the high wore off, I realized I had a tattoo of Carrot Top over my navel. And I can now Drive a Stick.

Jayswear is not allowed back in Las Vegas ever again...

Hi! I don't think we've talked to much Hannaugh!

Don't forget, I got engaged last month and I ordered a Telecaster as well. :blob7:
Max said:
You still owe me for that adrenaline. That stuff isn't cheap.

I seem to Recall you setting my car on fire trying to impress those twins. how about we call it even?
Or should I tell the guys what happened at the Noodle Hut?

And Remember to rotate the piercing hourly, or it will never close.

HAHA, I'm seeing some kind of "Ocean's 11" type of finale with this one. You know where you trick the casino owner into letting you walk out of the joint with millions of dollars, all while using his own security system to mask your exit.  :laughing11:
Max... He's on to us, he knows about the plan...


Go Warm up the Thunderbird, We're going to need a quick getaway After I do this...


I know nothink! NOTHINK!

AGWAN said:
line6man said:
Don't forget, I got engaged last month and I ordered a Telecaster as well. :blob7:

Honestly though, Congratulations on the Fiance-Caster!

I'm going to let you guys know now, so you can remember it if the situation should arise:

If I should ever post that I have gotten engaged, or ordered a Telecaster, it is a call for help because I'm being held at gunpoint and allowed to post casual messages on this forum.
Yeah it sounds like The Hangover + Pulp Fiction + a dream you would have after eating a lot of spicy food.
nexrex said:
WB, any big news?    :icon_biggrin:

While I was gone: Basically while I was gone I played guitar a lot.  250+ hours of practice.  I managed to cut back on my internet usage a lot, which was nice.  I did some small paintings, though guitar was a lot more fun, so I didn't do as many as I had originally planned.  I started working on a clay sculpture as well which will be a companion piece to one of my paintings.  I finally got the body cavity routed in my solid body ukulele project.  Other than that I basically just worked, didn't go on any trips or anything.  We got some goats at my mom's house, so my husband and I built a feeder thing for them.  Oh, but I did play and sing for an audience of over 100 people a few weeks ago, which was amazing even though I wish it had been under better circumstances.  Yeah, that's about it. 
hannaugh said:
Yeah it sounds like The Hangover + Pulp Fiction + a dream you would have after eating a lot of spicy food.
nexrex said:
WB, any big news?     :icon_biggrin:

While I was gone: Basically while I was gone I played guitar a lot.  250+ hours of practice.  I managed to cut back on my internet usage a lot, which was nice.  I did some small paintings, though guitar was a lot more fun, so I didn't do as many as I had originally planned.  I started working on a clay sculpture as well which will be a companion piece to one of my paintings.  I finally got the body cavity routed in my solid body ukulele project.  Other than that I basically just worked, didn't go on any trips or anything.  We got some goats at my mom's house, so my husband and I built a feeder thing for them.  Oh, but I did play and sing for an audience of over 100 people a few weeks ago, which was amazing even though I wish it had been under better circumstances.  Yeah, that's about it.   

Do you have a website for your art?
(Flickr or Photobucket or something.)