
B.O. Tele - Buck Owens not Body Odor

Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
The body is on it's way.  Brown is about to do something for me.

DangerousR6 did his thing on this.  I went and picked it up from him yesterday.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Body arrived.  Mrs. STDC thinks it's hideous.  "Of course it is.  That's why I got it."

Hideous?  You're kidding me!  I'm not even American and I understand the attraction!
DangerousR6 said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Body arrived.  Mrs. STDC thinks it's hideous.  "Of course it is.  That's why I got it."
women rarely appreciate guitars... :dontknow:

My woman likes my guitars.  I guess it's all in what you do with them...
I like it!! not at all what I expected from the super turbo Gary!
I also did not expect gold hardware, but it really works!
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
NonsenseTele said:
Great Holland flag on this guitar :)

Oh yeah.  Guess I'll call it the Buck Marko or Orpheowens.

Looks pretty sweet Gary, should be even sweeter after all done up with the gold stuff.... :icon_thumright:
Nowadays, if one dresses like Buck Owens and the Buckaroos, there's an accordian and possibly a tuba in the band.

If there's any youngins lurking, imagery of a Buck Owens Telecaster summons this in most folks' minds:

Or course his weren't always sparkly.

Not to condescend others as youngins, because this was my first memory of Buck Owens:

But now when I think of Buck Owens, it's stuff like this:

that thing's a beaut. Though I think the gold was more fitting with the ridiculous sparkle finish, and chrome would match the slightly more subtle look of the maple. but i'll be happy to see it when it's done anyway
dNA said:
the ridiculous sparkle finish
thems fightin words around a Buck fan son

Actually in the Day Bling was the Motif in C&W, some of those guys were so blinged out it would make a Rap star proud
remember Porter Wagner?