
Automatic Tuning for the Strat guys

Think of all the guitars they'll be able to sell when the guitars can play themselves. It will eliminate the need for guitar lessons, practicing, etc., and guitar sales will no longer be limited to just musicians, but to anyone and everyone. :tard:
BassmanAK said:
Gotta wonder why we don't see self-tuning basses.....

Just wait--you'll see a Robot Thunderbird Bass before you see Gibson even think of reissuing the Les Paul Deluxe or the SG Classic.
Everyone I've ever known who played with alternate tunings on a regular basis had a guitar set up for each.  Changing the tuning changes the neck tension and the intonation to a lesser extent.  The E flat Standard guys hating tuning up because their neck isn't setup for it and vice versa.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Everyone I've ever known who played with alternate tunings on a regular basis had a guitar set up for each.  Changing the tuning changes the neck tension and the intonation to a lesser extent.  The E flat Standard guys hating tuning up because their neck isn't setup for it and vice versa.
Ditto, ever notice slide guys have a guitar set up for each open tuning they use.
Okay, okay.... All crap aside....
I don't think we'll ever see these things for basses anyway, as the tension difference for
different tunings on basses is HUGE..... Tens of pounds...
I get away with it cuz I play a Modulus. Graphite necks don't move all that much...
That might be the key actually.... Auto-gizmo w/ graphite neck....

Oh, alright.... Guitar players are musicians too.... Jeez....   :icon_biggrin: