
Are these worth investing in.


Junior Member

Seems like a lot of the complaints come from people trying to put them in store bought guitars, but with a Warmoth the initial attachment should make a pretty snug fit I would assume.
I use this system


have it on store bought and warmoth guitars and works great, Grover makes a compatible system to it also
I've had the schaller straplocks. They're pretty much bombproof. These days I just use a plastic disc that slips over the button and rotates to lock.
It turns out the disc I was referring to was also by Dunlop, but they've apparently dropped it for the higher profit margin fancy ball plunger system.
Miskatonic said:

Seems like a lot of the complaints come from people trying to put them in store bought guitars, but with a Warmoth the initial attachment should make a pretty snug fit I would assume.

I've broken a few sets of those in the past. BAD DESIGN.
Get the Schallers.
They're bullet proof if installed correctly on the strap.
Miskatonic said:

Seems like a lot of the complaints come from people trying to put them in store bought guitars, but with a Warmoth the initial attachment should make a pretty snug fit I would assume.

I have a set of those. Don't care for them. Prefer the Schallers, by far.
+4 on Schallers. I've put them on every Warmoth I've built, and a project bass as well. Definitely the ones for me! If you put the locks on your strap correctly and make sure they snap in every time (clicks pretty easily and you'll definitely know when they're on) then it's literally impossible to drop your guitar unless the strap breaks or the strap buttons pull right out of the wood of your guitar while you're playing. Great strap locks.
I use the Schallers, too. The cool part is that if you want to use the same strap on different guitars, you can buy just the extra buttons that go on the guitars. But they're called "FENDER" straplock posts or knobs or buttons or something, because,  :o believe it or not!  :o Fender uses parts made by other peeps some times. And SCHALLER doesn't sell extra buttons. It's just like some "FENDER" tuning machines that look an awful lot like Schallers except they have a square housing, are Schallers, or at least they were through into the 90's. Nowadays everything not labeled is made in China, including your next clone. :o :o :o
stubhead said:
I use the Schallers, too. The cool part is that if you want to use the same strap on different guitars, you can buy just the extra buttons that go on the guitars. But they're called "FENDER" straplock posts or knobs or buttons or something, because,  :o believe it or not!  :o Fender uses parts made by other peeps some times. And SCHALLER doesn't sell extra buttons. It's just like some "FENDER" tuning machines that look an awful lot like Schallers except they have a square housing, are Schallers, or at least they were through into the 90's. Nowadays everything not labeled is made in China, including your next clone. :o :o :o

StewMac sells those buttons for $3-$4 a set, but they're made by Gotoh. Still China, but then everything is.
Thats what I did. Had a few of the locking part already, so I found a seller on Ebay selling just the strap buttons without charging a ton for shipping. They don't look as cleanly done as the buttons that came in the Schaller packaging, but there are no moving parts and they lock just as securely. I'm happy with them!
yes and those are sold under the grover name also, as I stated earlier
every strap and guitar I own have those. I have been using them for years. Last set I bought was labeled Grover, I looked at them next to the shallers I own and no difference.
guess China will sell to anyone.
I'm 55 years old; I can't move with enough energy to make a guitar fall off a strap!  :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:
Tonar8353 said:
I'm 55 years old; I can't move with enough energy to make a guitar fall off a strap!  :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:
come down to Riverside Friday night and we will get you rocking
I've been using the Hennessey deluxe strap locks - http://hennesseyguitarparts.com/NSL7200_List.pdf .  You can get them off Ebay for $14 shipped and they are VERY secure and work on any strap easily.  I looked at the Schallers as well and preferred these.
^ those are quite atractive, now i regret making that order for another set of shallers today. the shallers are bulllet proof but those look good.
I use this system.  My strap will never come off unless I want it to, and it's an excuse to drink beer.
