
April 2016 Guitar of the Month Contest Submissions

What a top rambleon! Some people love their fancy flame/quilt maple tops (admittedly me), but you can't go wrong with an amazing paint job like that.
What great entries! I find myself thinking that a GOM calendar would look excellent over my work bench... No better collection of guitar pics anywhere on the net than in a Warmoth GOM thread!

I generally refrain from discussing my choices here, but I will say that, already, I've gone from "That's the one!" to "Oh man, THAT'S the one!" I have a soft spot for all things Tele, but if you drew a Venn Digram where one set was "Telecaster" and the other set was "Bigsby", the union would be a set labeled "Irresistible"...
Thanks!  There are some additional finished pics of mine on the last couple pages of my build thread here:
Thi sis a really tough one this time... good luck to all! I seriously don't know who I'm going to vote for...  :icon_scratch:
I know the WideRange doesn't get a lot of love but.... that black n tort - maybe it reminds me of the P-bass I'm wanting.
This is a bit off the subject, but kinda bluegrassy and funny........"sweet Georgia Brown med Traktorkomp" on YouTube (sorry can't get a link to work):(
vetteman said:
This is a bit off the subject, but kinda bluegrassy and funny........"sweet Georgia Brown med Traktorkomp" on YouTube (sorry can't get a link to work):(

Ah, you mean this? Yes, it's super cool.
