Anyone using a Gotoh Floyd Rose ?


Junior Member
Hi Guys !

Don't mean to start a discussion about which one is better... Simply would like to know if any of you are using a Gotoh Floyd Rose and if it fitted into the Warmoth Floyd rout. I know there's a bit of confusion if they do fit, but I've heard from several people that it's a direct replacement. Any opinions would be really appreciated !

Thanks !
I have both, I've used the Gotoh for 13+ years, recently got another OFR, I prefer the OFR nowadays where I used to prefer the Gotoh.

As far as direct retro goes, I'm unsure, I have them in different guitars.
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
I have both, I've used the Gotoh for 13+ years, recently got another OFR, I prefer the OFR nowadays where I used to prefer the Gotoh.

As far as direct retro goes, I'm unsure, I have them in different guitars.
Thanks !

Is there any chance anyone at Warmoth would know ? I'm sure they must have had enquiries regarding Gotohs fitting the Warmoth OFR rout...

Or is there a Gotoh contact/official website to contact them about that ?]
rounce55 said:
TonyFlyingSquirrel is at warmoth.
Yeah, that's what I figured from his signature ;) . The way I meant my reply was since he isn't sure, maybe he could check around at his lovely workspace and maybe someone there knows :) ....
I have got one and it does fit, only just, into an OFR route. BUT  Be warned that intonation can get a bit tricky on the E strings because when the saddles are as far back as possible, you will not be able to fit them into the route.
Good question, man. I too have a Gotoh Floyd that I'm hoping will fit on a Kramer 5150 that I ordered. The Kramer will come with a Floyd but I have this Gotoh and it has "Music Man" stamped on the side. I just think that will look extra cool on a 5150 and I hope it will just switch out with the OFR.
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
I have got one and it does fit, only just, into an OFR route. BUT  Be warned that intonation can get a bit tricky on the E strings because when the saddles are as far back as possible, you will not be able to fit them into the route.
Is that because of the string locking bolts ?

On another board someone wrote that he's exchanged them quite a bit and that everything would fit into the rout exept for the bolts.

This whole issue is getting to be rather annoying. I'd really like to start a build, but never get a 100% clear answer like 'yes, it's a direct replacement for an OFR'  :) !

By now I'm almost about to go with a Schaller again, change the Schallers block for a Floyd Upgrades brass block and everything's hunky dory.

The only thing though I REALLY like about the Gotoh is the adjustable trem arm.  Is there any replacement arm which does something like that for Floyd's ???
Not that I'm aware of, but having just gotten an OFR after 13 years on the Gotoh, I can tell you that they've greatly improved on the thumbwheel at I have to say the my OFR out performs my Gotoh now.  A few years ago, I still loathed the OFR because it had the thumbwheel because I preferred the 80's nylon washer/bushing that was used prior to the thumbwheel.  I'll take the OFR over anything else from now on.
Please forgive my ignorance here (and I'm not trying to hi-jack this thread), but what is the difference between the Original Floyd and the Schaller Floyd? I thought the original was manufactured by Schaller in Germany...
Vegababy said:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
I have got one and it does fit, only just, into an OFR route. BUT  Be warned that intonation can get a bit tricky on the E strings because when the saddles are as far back as possible, you will not be able to fit them into the route.
Is that because of the string locking bolts ?

On another board someone wrote that he's exchanged them quite a bit and that everything would fit into the rout exept for the bolts.

This whole issue is getting to be rather annoying. I'd really like to start a build, but never get a 100% clear answer like 'yes, it's a direct replacement for an OFR'  :) !

By now I'm almost about to go with a Schaller again, change the Schallers block for a Floyd Upgrades brass block and everything's hunky dory.

The only thing though I REALLY like about the Gotoh is the adjustable trem arm.  Is there any replacement arm which does something like that for Floyd's ???
Yes, exactly. Very easy to change those saddle bolts. The only real reason that i got the gotoh one was because it was a lot cheaper than buying an OFR or Schaller and it was in Australia for 130 bucks ( Just after buying it, the price shot up to 180), but upgrading it may cost at much at the original itself ( block, bolts, saddles, thumbwheel etc) .  But yes, It is a Direct replacement into a recessed and non-recessed OFR route if you are using standard tuning.
T.L. said:
Please forgive my ignorance here (and I'm not trying to hi-jack this thread), but what is the difference between the Original Floyd and the Schaller Floyd? I thought the original was manufactured by Schaller in Germany...
The Schaller used to be known as the Floyd Rose II.  Floyd Rose dropped the design but Schaller still makes it.
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
 But yes, It is a Direct replacement into a recessed and non-recessed OFR route if you are using standard tuning.

Ok, I gotta ask, why does the tuning matter?
mullyman said:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
 But yes, It is a Direct replacement into a recessed and non-recessed OFR route if you are using standard tuning.

Ok, I gotta ask, why does the tuning matter?
Good question.... :icon_scratch:
Because different tunings, Drop tunings, require different intonation and some of them will not work because of the length of the standard saddles. 
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
Because different tunings, Drop tunings, require different intonation and some of them will not work because of the length of the standard saddles. 

To that end, how far do the string holder bolts extend past the recessed route, with the saddle pushed back to it's limit?
today, I got a stratbody and neck, with all the hardware except for the tremolo. its routed for a floyd, and here, a gotoh is the cheapest. why, no idea, but it is.

what are the differences? I see the way the arm attaches is different, but what makes it really different? I prefer the way the gotoh has its arm over the OFR, but which one stays in tune better, which one is more durable, etc etc