
Anyone up for a blues jam?

Well, I guess this is a dead issue. I really thought a lot of you would jump at this. I posted on the weekend to make sure everyone saw it too. Oh well. What happens if we drop the Warmoth requirement? Anyone up for it then?
If there's no warmoth requirement then I'm definitely in! 'Cause I haven't got any Warmoth wood yet unfortunately.  :help:

I just assumed most of the people around here had Warmoth guitars. Yeah, we can drop the restriction no problem. Still amazed at the lack of interest though. No recording equipment?
Nah, I was joking about the tape. I've got recording gear.

Maybe no one wants to start it off because they're not as well versed in the blues as I shou- I mean they should be.

Or it could be because of the holiday weekend... everyone went to a barbecue. :occasion14:
I can wank all over the spots that aren't filled hahahaha that just sounds so wrong.... :laughing7:
I would do it, but I'm kinda bored with 12 bar electric blues honestly. I don't play fast enough to impress anyhow. Sorry it didn't work out man, good on you for trying though.
tfarny said:
I would do it, but I'm kinda bored with 12 bar electric blues honestly. I don't play fast enough to impress anyhow. Sorry it didn't work out man, good on you for trying though.

I'm bored with it too - but for me it's not easy to do it well. that's part of the problem and the challenge. I've listened to the track and it's not one for fast playing anyway.
Aw, sorry to hear. Well maybe this thread can be resurrected later.

[quote author=Max]
Don't sweat it. It justs gets you closer to knowing what perfection is  :icon_thumright:

Thanks Max.. good point. Once that neck gets thinned and vee'd a little it should be damn near perfect. Good luck with your choice, too!
Bro I'd be into it if I had gear/time. Already on the countdown of doom before I go hermit in the states all summer.  :doh:
well even if you can't do the recording, be sure to download the file - it's a good one for playing a long with.
GoDrex said:
well even if you can't do the recording, be sure to download the file - it's a good one for playing a long with.

Yeah, I'll leave it there for anyone that wants it. Are you guys sure you don't want to get into this? It's a mid tempo 12 bar blues in A. No need for Speedy fingers, no need for embarrassment. It's all for fun. How about I take the opening slot?
I'm kind of curious if I'd be able to join in. granted, I play bass, and it's not a Warmoth (yet) but I could still manage. you up for that? if no one else signs up, we could do a call and return kind of thing...like, you do a minute, I do a minute, then we take 10 second turns, then split the last two minutes, or something. I will be getting recording hardware/software this week, then I'm gonna be gone next week cause I'm seeing Imogen Heap on Monday, then leaving wednesday-sunday for Bonnaroo (WHOO! Jeff Beck and Les Claypool!!!). but after that, I should be set. you game?
hachikid said:
I'm kind of curious if I'd be able to join in. granted, I play bass, and it's not a Warmoth (yet) but I could still manage. you up for that? if no one else signs up, we could do a call and return kind of thing...like, you do a minute, I do a minute, then we take 10 second turns, then split the last two minutes, or something. I will be getting recording hardware/software this week, then I'm gonna be gone next week cause I'm seeing Imogen Heap on Monday, then leaving wednesday-sunday for Bonnaroo (WHOO! Jeff Beck and Les Claypool!!!). but after that, I should be set. you game?

You know, since I play guitar I didn't even think about a bass getting involved but that may be a fantastic idea. I'm sure you can do some kind of bass solo over a blues track. That might be really cool. Hell, yeah, join up. Doughboy wants in so we only need 3 more. C'mon, guys, get yourself together and let's do this thing.
mmarino92 said:
Like I said, if theres no Warmoth-wood requirement I'm definitely in  :blob7:


Yeah, we can relax that part of the rule. Alright, we need 2 more people.


This isn't the final order though, just people that have decided to participate. C'mon, 2 more and we have a jam.