Anyone try these?


Hero Member
Has anyone here used the GFS crunchy pat or dream 90 pickups?  I guess the dream 90 is supposed to be a p90 in a humbucker case.  I've never used a p90 so i'm not really sure how they sound.  Are they just a big single coil? :dontknow:
The Dream90 is P90 under humbucker cover...
The sound of P90 is very like a fatter single coil, imagine the big cousin  :laughing7:
Not very hard to find clips on youtube... I would show to you some, but here on work it's not disponible to open Youtube...
The "Crunchy Pat" GFS pups are awesome. Imagine Duncans at the price of cheap, Korean pups. Great tone, low noise and low price. Consumer definitely wins this round. :headbang:
A good friend of mine bought a Dream 90 when they first came out. It made noise until it quite literally fell apart in tiny pieces. It was worth the $29.00 he paid on Ebay just to recieve the tiny slip of paper that was meant to be the installation instructions...

"The wires are meant to be soldered."

It has since been replaced by a Seymour purchased from Sr. -CB-, and all is well now.
RLW said:
A good friend of mine bought a Dream 90 when they first came out. It made noise until it quite literally fell apart in tiny pieces. It was worth the $29.00 he paid on Ebay just to recieve the tiny slip of paper that was meant to be the installation instructions...

"The wires are meant to be soldered."

It has since been replaced by a Seymour purchased from Sr. -CB-, and all is well now.

Wow, that's crazy! Was that when the company was just starting out or what? I haven't heard anything like that until now. :icon_scratch:
> Wow, that's crazy! Was that when the company was just starting out or what? I haven't heard anything like that until now.

He got it off of Ebay when they first came out. From what I've read their quality control has gone up a few notches since then, but I still have no interest in them. Too many other options for not a lot more.
I just want to try something a little more budget friendly.  I'm tired of paying $100 and up a pickup.  You know it literally only takes about $5 worth of material to make a pickup?  Its an insult to charge as much as some companies do.  I'm probably going to make some people mad here but I think the whole hand winding thing is a bunch of crap.  In a production facility computers and machinery are key to a good consistent product.  If someone thinks that hand made pickups are the best, the same thing could be said for bodies and necks themselves.  so if thats the case we should all ditch Warmoth (which uses CNC equipment) and pay five times as much to have a custom guitar hand built, because you can hear someones hands when you play your hand made guitar, or hear them in your hand wound pickup.  If you want to pay for the stuff thats fine.  Its just not for me.  If these pickups end up being crap then I'm still only out $80, which is less than a lot of companies want for one pickup.  I'm going to get back to work now so i dont have time to get into the monster cable rant :laughing7:
I'm pretty happy with my Handwound J Moore Pickups! they were cheap too! $60 per pickup!

Also have a look at tonerider! I bought 2 of their humbuckers a while ago, but haven't tried them yet.. so i can't speak for myself, but the reviews are great!
+1 Shane. I like GFS pickups overall, I think they're good value and I don't like being charged for hype and marketing. I have a new pair of GFS noiseless singles on my gold strat now, and when it gets out of storage I plan to give a full report. The wiring instructions were fine btw.
However, the best pickup I've ever tried is a boutique one (Lollar P90).
I say, GFS are worth trying out and if you don't like em, you can ebay em back and hardly lose any $ at all.